Merry Christmas Everyone.
Isabella had a wonderful time.
We are officially finished with our Christmases. My mom, his mom and dad.. Isabella received many wonderful things. But, I still think my favorite gifts she received were the blocks that super dad made for her. It didn't take long, but he made sure he took time to make the "perfect" blocks for his daughter.
The days have been long for her. She has definately had some busy days. Tiring. Her nap schedule is completely screwed up.
Oh well, we don't see family that often.
Even though her schedule was thrown for a loop, she took it all in stride. She never complained, whined, cried. She paid attention to all the "no's" she got.... such a good girl.
We still can't figure out how we got so blessed.
She has just learned out to blow spit bubbles.. it is so cute! messy, but cute.
anyway, 2007 is soon over, the year of my baby's birth. done. *sigh*
hope all your new year wishes come true.
God Bless
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
baby steps
Thanksgiving was wonderful.
Isabella took her first steps on Thanksgiving Day! It was amazing!
She crawled over to me, stood up, had her hands on my shoulder then turned around and looked at her super dad, then just started walking towards him!
She started reaching for us. When family would be holding her, she was fine, but then we would walk by and she would throw her hands out to us!
So now.. everywhere we go.. we are taking baby steps...
Isabella took her first steps on Thanksgiving Day! It was amazing!
She crawled over to me, stood up, had her hands on my shoulder then turned around and looked at her super dad, then just started walking towards him!
She started reaching for us. When family would be holding her, she was fine, but then we would walk by and she would throw her hands out to us!
So now.. everywhere we go.. we are taking baby steps...
Thursday, November 15, 2007
up up and away
So, she's standing up..
she's cruising..
she's doing so much
just tonight she started throwing some balls around then chasing them, she's never done that before.
I guess you are supposed to be feeding 8 1/2 month old babies finger foods.. I am so nervous about that..
Isabella is sleeping through the night now... well, she was before, but now she sleeps from 8-5:30.. before it was 10 pm to 3 or 4 then eat then back to sleep.
I can't believe how much I love her, I just can't give her enough kisses.
OH yeah, I can't believe I forgot to mention it.. she talks in her sleep.. while she is falling asleep, she just opens her mouth and says; Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh... its so cute
she signs 'more', 'eat', 'mom', 'dad', 'banana'.
she says mama, dada, bye-bye
she waves bye-bye..
I love her...
she's cruising..
she's doing so much
just tonight she started throwing some balls around then chasing them, she's never done that before.
I guess you are supposed to be feeding 8 1/2 month old babies finger foods.. I am so nervous about that..
Isabella is sleeping through the night now... well, she was before, but now she sleeps from 8-5:30.. before it was 10 pm to 3 or 4 then eat then back to sleep.
I can't believe how much I love her, I just can't give her enough kisses.
OH yeah, I can't believe I forgot to mention it.. she talks in her sleep.. while she is falling asleep, she just opens her mouth and says; Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh... its so cute
she signs 'more', 'eat', 'mom', 'dad', 'banana'.
she says mama, dada, bye-bye
she waves bye-bye..
I love her...
Monday, October 22, 2007
This Sunday, October 21st, we were in a restaurant with Uncle Joe, Grandma M, Grandpa M, super-mom, super-dad and a friend. Uncle Joe was holding Isabella while feeding her for the first time.
They were sitting next to super-dad. She was eating carrots and apples. This was the first time Uncle Joe fed her, everything went well, she ate great! Uncle Joe had her sitting on his right leg, and her arms were free to do whatever they needed. Apparently that meant that for every bite, she would reach out and tap daddy on the arm. It was hilarious. Spoon in food, mouth open, bite in mouth, "TAP, TAP" on daddy's arm. Most of the time, she wouldn't even make eye contact with her target. She would just reach out and "TAP" daddys arm.
We couldn't figure out any reason for it. But she ate about 1/2 of a 2.5 ounce jar of carrots, and about 3/4 of a 2.5 ounce jar of apples, and for the whole of her meal, she felt the need to "TAP" daddy's arm
We can:
wave goodbye/hello
say "bye", say "hi"
say mama
pull up to standing
sign more, eat
make faces (copy your silly faces)
comes to you when you call her
They were sitting next to super-dad. She was eating carrots and apples. This was the first time Uncle Joe fed her, everything went well, she ate great! Uncle Joe had her sitting on his right leg, and her arms were free to do whatever they needed. Apparently that meant that for every bite, she would reach out and tap daddy on the arm. It was hilarious. Spoon in food, mouth open, bite in mouth, "TAP, TAP" on daddy's arm. Most of the time, she wouldn't even make eye contact with her target. She would just reach out and "TAP" daddys arm.
We couldn't figure out any reason for it. But she ate about 1/2 of a 2.5 ounce jar of carrots, and about 3/4 of a 2.5 ounce jar of apples, and for the whole of her meal, she felt the need to "TAP" daddy's arm
We can:
wave goodbye/hello
say "bye", say "hi"
say mama
pull up to standing
sign more, eat
make faces (copy your silly faces)
comes to you when you call her
Sunday, October 07, 2007
catching up
let's see, last log-in was September 19th Bella had just pulled herself to standing.
we thought she was saying mamamamama
and just overall being way too smart for her own good.
Today is Sunday October 7th. Bella is still pulling herself to standing, BUT she has definitely improved her dismount. Now she can let go of the object she is using to hold onto and land on her butt instead of her head. Super dad is still being a super dad and putting pillows behind her just in case. Of course today, the one time she flubbs her dismount and, no pillows. OH well, I didn't raise no wuss.
We thought we saw her sign "more" last weekend at the St. Marys Fall Festival, then again last Tuesday, then we KNOW she is signing more for food. We were outside and letting Bella explore the leaves. She really wanted to eat them, but we did a quick training session telling her no, that leaves aren't for eating, and let her play with them. Every time she would put a leaf to her mouth to eat it, we tell her no, then she would sign "more" as if that would give her permission to eat it since she is asking nicely. IT was so damn cute. Every time that leaf went to her lips it was the same cycle...
"No, Isabella you can't eat the leaf."
"No, Isabella you can't eat leaves."
Eventually she stopped putting the leaves to her lips and just looked at us and signed "more"....
Then we told her, "No, Isabella, brown leaves from trees are not food."
Also today, she had pulled herself up onto the edge of the lazyboy and could look over the edge at me, and I started prompting her, "Say mama"
"say mama"
after about 5 "say mamas", she did!! She copied me, mouth movements and all, sometime she would add voice to her movements, and sometimes she would just copy my mouth. It was the cutest thing.. we got it on videotape, I am so excited.
Then it was really funny, we started prompting, "say daddy", "say daddy"
she just looked at us like we had stalks of asparagus sticking out of our heads.
Eventually she started mimicing the mouth movements for daddy, but no voice.
It was so sweet to hear my baby say mama. I am sad for super dad though. Daddy usually comes first.
anyway, gotta get to bed.
I love you Isabella.
we thought she was saying mamamamama
and just overall being way too smart for her own good.
Today is Sunday October 7th. Bella is still pulling herself to standing, BUT she has definitely improved her dismount. Now she can let go of the object she is using to hold onto and land on her butt instead of her head. Super dad is still being a super dad and putting pillows behind her just in case. Of course today, the one time she flubbs her dismount and, no pillows. OH well, I didn't raise no wuss.
We thought we saw her sign "more" last weekend at the St. Marys Fall Festival, then again last Tuesday, then we KNOW she is signing more for food. We were outside and letting Bella explore the leaves. She really wanted to eat them, but we did a quick training session telling her no, that leaves aren't for eating, and let her play with them. Every time she would put a leaf to her mouth to eat it, we tell her no, then she would sign "more" as if that would give her permission to eat it since she is asking nicely. IT was so damn cute. Every time that leaf went to her lips it was the same cycle...
"No, Isabella you can't eat the leaf."
"No, Isabella you can't eat leaves."
Eventually she stopped putting the leaves to her lips and just looked at us and signed "more"....
Then we told her, "No, Isabella, brown leaves from trees are not food."
Also today, she had pulled herself up onto the edge of the lazyboy and could look over the edge at me, and I started prompting her, "Say mama"
"say mama"
after about 5 "say mamas", she did!! She copied me, mouth movements and all, sometime she would add voice to her movements, and sometimes she would just copy my mouth. It was the cutest thing.. we got it on videotape, I am so excited.
Then it was really funny, we started prompting, "say daddy", "say daddy"
she just looked at us like we had stalks of asparagus sticking out of our heads.
Eventually she started mimicing the mouth movements for daddy, but no voice.
It was so sweet to hear my baby say mama. I am sad for super dad though. Daddy usually comes first.
anyway, gotta get to bed.
I love you Isabella.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
"No, Isabella"
"No, Isabella"
"No, Is(had to stop typing to tell her "no")abella
This is what our life consists of... telling her "no".
We are working on training her to what she can and can't touch. It is going to be constant, consistent hard work, but it will be worth it. We have seen children who have been trained and others who haven't, it's two different worlds.
Let me back up, why are we constantly telling her "no"? Our daughter is now pulling herself up onto things, and on her knees, she can sit up by herself, and is non-stop go-go-go.
( I just had to put up another barracade) It's a box, and she's pulled herself up on her knees, OH WAIT!!!She just pulled herself to standing. WOW!!! theres a first.
Go to plugs, go to wires, go to sharp corners of the tv stand, go to coffee table, go out of the room.... GO GO GO!!!!
She really likes playing, IF its on the floor, its hers. (speaking of on her floor super-dad just laid down to read to her from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and Isabella just went and got her book, laid down ON super-dads book and is contentedly chewing her book while dad reads to her)
So, I got out her toy box since she can pull herself to her knees she can get into her toy box herself. She really liked it today.
The sounds she is making are so interesting. She is experimenting with her tongue on her lips, so a lot of t, and m and other consonant sounds.
She had only been making vowel sounds before.
We think she is purposefully saying mama, and not just sound repitition he only says it when I walk out of the room, then she crawls toward where I went and whiningly says maamamamamama.....
She is really showing a preference toward mama. I think its because she has been sick these past few days and mama has the comforting food.
She is on penicillin, so we're definitely on the mend.
Well, time for bed. If you know super-dad, bug him, and tell him he needs to blog.
"No, Isabella"
"No, Is(had to stop typing to tell her "no")abella
This is what our life consists of... telling her "no".
We are working on training her to what she can and can't touch. It is going to be constant, consistent hard work, but it will be worth it. We have seen children who have been trained and others who haven't, it's two different worlds.
Let me back up, why are we constantly telling her "no"? Our daughter is now pulling herself up onto things, and on her knees, she can sit up by herself, and is non-stop go-go-go.
( I just had to put up another barracade) It's a box, and she's pulled herself up on her knees, OH WAIT!!!She just pulled herself to standing. WOW!!! theres a first.
Go to plugs, go to wires, go to sharp corners of the tv stand, go to coffee table, go out of the room.... GO GO GO!!!!
She really likes playing, IF its on the floor, its hers. (speaking of on her floor super-dad just laid down to read to her from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and Isabella just went and got her book, laid down ON super-dads book and is contentedly chewing her book while dad reads to her)
So, I got out her toy box since she can pull herself to her knees she can get into her toy box herself. She really liked it today.
The sounds she is making are so interesting. She is experimenting with her tongue on her lips, so a lot of t, and m and other consonant sounds.
She had only been making vowel sounds before.
We think she is purposefully saying mama, and not just sound repitition he only says it when I walk out of the room, then she crawls toward where I went and whiningly says maamamamamama.....
She is really showing a preference toward mama. I think its because she has been sick these past few days and mama has the comforting food.
She is on penicillin, so we're definitely on the mend.
Well, time for bed. If you know super-dad, bug him, and tell him he needs to blog.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
"Supposed to"
Well, right now I am "supposed to" be putting towels away. Bella is sleeping and Super Dad is doing dishes. I already have todays dirty diapers on its first rinse. The milk I pumped today is in the fridge. The freezer packs are back in the freezer to keep the "liquid gold" cool tomorrow. The dirty spoon is in the sink to be washed for Bella to use tomorrow at lunch. She has food in her bag for lunch tomorrow. (sweet potatoes and Apples) She has 2 extra outfits in her diaper bag for accidents.
I also took out the trash, recycling, cleaned the floor around the trash can, cleaned out the trash can, and put a lasagna in the oven for dinner.
Things just don't slow down enough for me to write. I know I am "supposed to" write, I know I "should" write, it just doesn't happen.
So I write when I can.
hmm... sounds like I'm trying to appease my own guilt, huh?...
6 months. 6 months. one more time, 6 months ago I delivered a teeny little girl, a little wrinkly, purple, red haired, blue eyed sweetheart. Now, shes a army-crawling, 2-toothed, always hungry, trying-to-sign I love you, wearing 9 month clothing, eating solid food, almost toddler.
Super dad and I just turn and look at each other and ask.. "What did we do to deserve this?", "How did we get so lucky?"
I swear sometimes she says mama, when shes crying and mumbling at the same time, her lips come together and forms the "m" sound, it sounds just like it.
well, I'm "supposed to" be putting towels away right now.
I can't believe how much I love her, her little hands, how they grab mine while she nurses, the fingers that gently stroke my face while she eats. Her little feet that resemble a chimp in so many ways, grabbing at items she excitedly explores. She lays on her back and tosses the item onto her belly, and then all four limbs kick, toss, and grab at it.
I love her eyes, ever learning, ever looking for thinks to absorb, to explore. Then when tired, trusting, loving, and pure. I think her early morning eyes are my favorite. The moments between dreamland slumber and wakefulness, she opens them, looks around for our faces, and when she makes eye contact, they calm, then burst open with joy as to say, "I waited all night just to see you".
hmm. I'm "supposed to" be putting towels away........
I also took out the trash, recycling, cleaned the floor around the trash can, cleaned out the trash can, and put a lasagna in the oven for dinner.
Things just don't slow down enough for me to write. I know I am "supposed to" write, I know I "should" write, it just doesn't happen.
So I write when I can.
hmm... sounds like I'm trying to appease my own guilt, huh?...
6 months. 6 months. one more time, 6 months ago I delivered a teeny little girl, a little wrinkly, purple, red haired, blue eyed sweetheart. Now, shes a army-crawling, 2-toothed, always hungry, trying-to-sign I love you, wearing 9 month clothing, eating solid food, almost toddler.
Super dad and I just turn and look at each other and ask.. "What did we do to deserve this?", "How did we get so lucky?"
I swear sometimes she says mama, when shes crying and mumbling at the same time, her lips come together and forms the "m" sound, it sounds just like it.
well, I'm "supposed to" be putting towels away right now.
I can't believe how much I love her, her little hands, how they grab mine while she nurses, the fingers that gently stroke my face while she eats. Her little feet that resemble a chimp in so many ways, grabbing at items she excitedly explores. She lays on her back and tosses the item onto her belly, and then all four limbs kick, toss, and grab at it.
I love her eyes, ever learning, ever looking for thinks to absorb, to explore. Then when tired, trusting, loving, and pure. I think her early morning eyes are my favorite. The moments between dreamland slumber and wakefulness, she opens them, looks around for our faces, and when she makes eye contact, they calm, then burst open with joy as to say, "I waited all night just to see you".
hmm. I'm "supposed to" be putting towels away........
Saturday, August 25, 2007
This weekend was another highland festival.
Our little redhead was the 'Belle' of the ball again. It just seems so unreal that so many people would say how cute she is. I guess I just feel that I'm the only one who sees it, and that I feel that way because she is MY daughter, but so many other people say it!
She had her Harris plaid kilt on, and her onesie that says "got haggis?".
We had sweet potatoes for lunch. She liked them.
She is eating pretty regularly now. She really enjoys food.
She is getting up on all fours now and rocking. Yes, rocking. She will rock and the 'leap' forward off her knees to land on her head. An interesting form of forward motion.
I go back to work on Monday. She is staying with a friend from work.
She starts daycare on Sept 4th. yuch. I would give my right arm to stay home with my daughter.
I just hope that the daycare and others are smart enough to know to NOT tell us if she achieves a milestone when we aren't there.
I like that she still prefers momma over real food. I was feeding her some potatoes, and she ate them, but whined until I breastfed her. It felt good.
This was her first time in a hotel, she slept in her play-pen, and loved it! We went swimming, and she loved that too.
wow, so much learning and loving to do. so much MORE.........
Our little redhead was the 'Belle' of the ball again. It just seems so unreal that so many people would say how cute she is. I guess I just feel that I'm the only one who sees it, and that I feel that way because she is MY daughter, but so many other people say it!
She had her Harris plaid kilt on, and her onesie that says "got haggis?".
We had sweet potatoes for lunch. She liked them.
She is eating pretty regularly now. She really enjoys food.
She is getting up on all fours now and rocking. Yes, rocking. She will rock and the 'leap' forward off her knees to land on her head. An interesting form of forward motion.
I go back to work on Monday. She is staying with a friend from work.
She starts daycare on Sept 4th. yuch. I would give my right arm to stay home with my daughter.
I just hope that the daycare and others are smart enough to know to NOT tell us if she achieves a milestone when we aren't there.
I like that she still prefers momma over real food. I was feeding her some potatoes, and she ate them, but whined until I breastfed her. It felt good.
This was her first time in a hotel, she slept in her play-pen, and loved it! We went swimming, and she loved that too.
wow, so much learning and loving to do. so much MORE.........
Monday, August 20, 2007
new things
So many new things have been happening.
Isabella rolled over the day she turned 5 months (July 27). We didn't see it though. Then we saw it on August 5th.
August 12 was when her first tooth broke through. Exactly one week later, a second tooth has popped in. They are both on the bottom, incisors.
So, since we have teeth coming in, I started giving her some real foods to test the waters. Her first real food was bananas. Her second real food was carrots, (with a taste of peaches in between).
I gave her the carrots yesterday, and today, they appeared on the the other end, WOW, her butt was almost as orange as her head!
Anyway, I can't believe how much fun she is getting to be. Yes, we had a tough time last night with the teeth, but not a lot of terrible fussing. (so far)
She can get around quite well. She barrel rolls from one side of the house to the other. (its not far, only about 21/2 rolls) She can get up on her knees, but then either pushes herself backwards, or pushes herself over onto her back! :)
Oh, I absolutely do NOT want to go back to work. This is so much fun. I don't want to pay someone to enjoy my daughter when I would give anything to do it for free.
Isabella rolled over the day she turned 5 months (July 27). We didn't see it though. Then we saw it on August 5th.
August 12 was when her first tooth broke through. Exactly one week later, a second tooth has popped in. They are both on the bottom, incisors.
So, since we have teeth coming in, I started giving her some real foods to test the waters. Her first real food was bananas. Her second real food was carrots, (with a taste of peaches in between).
I gave her the carrots yesterday, and today, they appeared on the the other end, WOW, her butt was almost as orange as her head!
Anyway, I can't believe how much fun she is getting to be. Yes, we had a tough time last night with the teeth, but not a lot of terrible fussing. (so far)
She can get around quite well. She barrel rolls from one side of the house to the other. (its not far, only about 21/2 rolls) She can get up on her knees, but then either pushes herself backwards, or pushes herself over onto her back! :)
Oh, I absolutely do NOT want to go back to work. This is so much fun. I don't want to pay someone to enjoy my daughter when I would give anything to do it for free.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Dear Bella
Dear Isabella,
In 2 days you will be 5 months old. You are doing so many wonderful things. You can sit-up on your own, but you keep falling to the side. So we say you sit-up with help. You have learned to make a wonderful high pitched squealing sound that we are sure tells all the dogs in the neighborhood something.
You reach out and grab things constantly. If you see something you want there is no hesitation. You just throw your whole body at it with a blind trust that we will be there to protect and catch you, especially if your target is the floor.
You have learned to grip and hold on to us. Yes, that is the nice way of saying you have learned to PINCH!
You get very upset when we take away something you aren't supposed to have. Especially the phone. When the phone rings you get an almost mischevious grin on your face. Are you planning your next attack?
You know your name. You don't know what the word no is yet. You don't like the word wait, when you are hungry. You really enjoy your bath. You absolutely LOVE the outdoors. One day you were home with daddy and you were having a bad tooth day, so to calm you down he took you outside in your bouncy seat and you loved it. You calmed right down and didn't make a peep for hours.
Oh there is so much more.
Please forgive me for not writing as I should, and know that the time lost in writing was time spent playing with you.
I have to go now, I will talk to you more later beautiful one. (OW! you just pinched me)
I love you,
In 2 days you will be 5 months old. You are doing so many wonderful things. You can sit-up on your own, but you keep falling to the side. So we say you sit-up with help. You have learned to make a wonderful high pitched squealing sound that we are sure tells all the dogs in the neighborhood something.
You reach out and grab things constantly. If you see something you want there is no hesitation. You just throw your whole body at it with a blind trust that we will be there to protect and catch you, especially if your target is the floor.
You have learned to grip and hold on to us. Yes, that is the nice way of saying you have learned to PINCH!
You get very upset when we take away something you aren't supposed to have. Especially the phone. When the phone rings you get an almost mischevious grin on your face. Are you planning your next attack?
You know your name. You don't know what the word no is yet. You don't like the word wait, when you are hungry. You really enjoy your bath. You absolutely LOVE the outdoors. One day you were home with daddy and you were having a bad tooth day, so to calm you down he took you outside in your bouncy seat and you loved it. You calmed right down and didn't make a peep for hours.
Oh there is so much more.
Please forgive me for not writing as I should, and know that the time lost in writing was time spent playing with you.
I have to go now, I will talk to you more later beautiful one. (OW! you just pinched me)
I love you,
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
a good day
We're listening to a great program on NPR called "Birth". Wow, all these women talking about their birth experiences. I still can't believe how perfect mine was.
We took super dad out to dinner for his birthday, it was good. Isabella was good all throughout dinner.
It's been quite a day for our little one. I think she is going to sleep all through tonight and the next day. She has been awake for about 6 hours.. no nap... she has almost fallen asleep a couple times, but everything at the restaurant was so INTERESTING.. who could sleep.??
She is doing so much. She has an "o" ball, then she can hold with two hands and plays with it 2-handed. It is the size of her head, and she tries to put it in her mouth, its hilarious....
Isabella can almost roll over, she needs a little help to get the rest of the way over!
She is talking and babbling A LOT lately. a lot of ga ga's...
She gets baptised this weekend. It'll be fun, grandpa gets to baptise her. I am so happy that all my family can be there.
We found her baptism gown on sale at JCPenney's for 7.00 it's AWESOME.
gotta go feed her
-the mom
We took super dad out to dinner for his birthday, it was good. Isabella was good all throughout dinner.
It's been quite a day for our little one. I think she is going to sleep all through tonight and the next day. She has been awake for about 6 hours.. no nap... she has almost fallen asleep a couple times, but everything at the restaurant was so INTERESTING.. who could sleep.??
She is doing so much. She has an "o" ball, then she can hold with two hands and plays with it 2-handed. It is the size of her head, and she tries to put it in her mouth, its hilarious....
Isabella can almost roll over, she needs a little help to get the rest of the way over!
She is talking and babbling A LOT lately. a lot of ga ga's...
She gets baptised this weekend. It'll be fun, grandpa gets to baptise her. I am so happy that all my family can be there.
We found her baptism gown on sale at JCPenney's for 7.00 it's AWESOME.
gotta go feed her
-the mom
Thursday, May 31, 2007
to err is human
I said I was going to blog everyday. I said I was going to write in her journal everyday. hmm... I'm only human.
Her dad keeps bugging me about writing in her journal. I'm doing the best I can.
Bella really is a good girl. Her cries for food are almost non-existent. Don't get me wrong, she does cry, just not alot or loud. I can see her signs that mean she is hungry so she doesn't ever really get to the crying part. Being wet, having a wet diaper doesn't really bug her that much so, no crying about that.
This past Friday May 26th was a great day. Its the day she started sleeping through the night. She was sleeping REALLY well before, but now she goes to bed at 10:00 then is up at 6:00! We are so blessed!
I truly believe in giving your children routines, so our bedtime routine is bath, boob, bed. It seems to be working well. I sometime soon want to include book in there, but not yet.
I have my stroller now, and it is wonderful. We just went for a walk this morning. (7 am) The weather is good, the sunlight is just right, and its a good mommy/Bella time. It is 8:30 am and she is back to sleep. The stroller is so new she doesn't fall asleep in it yet. So, she was awake for our walk and talking to the trees the whole time.
Our vegetable plants are doing well. So far everything has sprouted. Beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peppers.
I hope today will be a good day, so far its wonderful just to be with my little girl.
-the mom
I said I was going to blog everyday. I said I was going to write in her journal everyday. hmm... I'm only human.
Her dad keeps bugging me about writing in her journal. I'm doing the best I can.
Bella really is a good girl. Her cries for food are almost non-existent. Don't get me wrong, she does cry, just not alot or loud. I can see her signs that mean she is hungry so she doesn't ever really get to the crying part. Being wet, having a wet diaper doesn't really bug her that much so, no crying about that.
This past Friday May 26th was a great day. Its the day she started sleeping through the night. She was sleeping REALLY well before, but now she goes to bed at 10:00 then is up at 6:00! We are so blessed!
I truly believe in giving your children routines, so our bedtime routine is bath, boob, bed. It seems to be working well. I sometime soon want to include book in there, but not yet.
I have my stroller now, and it is wonderful. We just went for a walk this morning. (7 am) The weather is good, the sunlight is just right, and its a good mommy/Bella time. It is 8:30 am and she is back to sleep. The stroller is so new she doesn't fall asleep in it yet. So, she was awake for our walk and talking to the trees the whole time.
Our vegetable plants are doing well. So far everything has sprouted. Beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peppers.
I hope today will be a good day, so far its wonderful just to be with my little girl.
-the mom
Monday, May 07, 2007
is anybody out there?
Is anybody out there? IS there anyone alive here?
Sometimes I wonder.
Busy. hmmm.. I used to think I was busy..
I used to think I had a lot to do.
anyway.. as you all know.. time flies. what a stupid cliche. NO shit time flies.
Job front.. not so good.. SO.. we are trying to earn money every little way we can. I am selling everything we own on ebay and amazon.. well not really.. just trying to sell the things we don't need.
I am also making scrapbooks for people on the side, and have become an "affililate" for anatural products catalog. I hate those kind of things, but I have been spending so much money on the same exact products the catalog has elsewhere, I thought it would be nice to try to make some money back. Diaper covers are terribly expensive.. and our little beansprout has grown out of the newborn sizes we have already. So back to buy more.
Our Bella beansprout has grown to about 13 lbs. She's over 2 months old now. We still haven't mastered laughing, but smiling sure is great fun!
My birthday went well. I am 30 now. SO many people fret over turning 30. I thought yeah, it sucked. But no one noticed, so that was perfect! Bella and her dad got me "a day out" Spa, shopping, lunch, etc. I can't wait.
Super dad and I figured out we are definately going to have to move. whether or not it is for a job. This house cannot hold a 6 mo. to a 1 year old and us. We will have to look for a bigger place to rent.
So many changes. But, we can handle it.
-the mom
Sometimes I wonder.
Busy. hmmm.. I used to think I was busy..
I used to think I had a lot to do.
anyway.. as you all know.. time flies. what a stupid cliche. NO shit time flies.
Job front.. not so good.. SO.. we are trying to earn money every little way we can. I am selling everything we own on ebay and amazon.. well not really.. just trying to sell the things we don't need.
I am also making scrapbooks for people on the side, and have become an "affililate" for anatural products catalog. I hate those kind of things, but I have been spending so much money on the same exact products the catalog has elsewhere, I thought it would be nice to try to make some money back. Diaper covers are terribly expensive.. and our little beansprout has grown out of the newborn sizes we have already. So back to buy more.
Our Bella beansprout has grown to about 13 lbs. She's over 2 months old now. We still haven't mastered laughing, but smiling sure is great fun!
My birthday went well. I am 30 now. SO many people fret over turning 30. I thought yeah, it sucked. But no one noticed, so that was perfect! Bella and her dad got me "a day out" Spa, shopping, lunch, etc. I can't wait.
Super dad and I figured out we are definately going to have to move. whether or not it is for a job. This house cannot hold a 6 mo. to a 1 year old and us. We will have to look for a bigger place to rent.
So many changes. But, we can handle it.
-the mom
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
doctor, doctor
Well, it was Bella's first trip to the doctor.
Super Dad was home last Thursday, (snow day, yes, you heard me, snow day, the middle of April) then home Friday sick. Then all weekend he was sick, it was great fun. Booger bombs everywhere. (for those who don't know what a booger bomb is; a wadded up kleenex so wet with snot it sticks to your foot if you step on it, i.e. a "bomb") Well, then he stayed home sick Monday too. And of course Bella had gotten considerably more and more stuffed up. So, mom checked her temp, and a low grade fever had emerged. Thanks dad.
I would have just let her heal on her own, but the fever is my line I do not pass. I will treat all kinds of dreaded kukamunga sickness with vitamins, herbs, rest, chants, etc. until a fever presents, then I give in to those who are degreed in that sort of thing.
Doc said she's fine (of course her fever had subsided by the time we got to the office) and she is just congested and a lot of drainage (which explains her upchuck Monday morning) so Benedryl if it gets to where she can't handle the drainage. So far I have not had to use it. More boob juice for Bella! (studies show that increased breastfeeding during illness heals babies faster!)
You'd be interested to know that our little princess is now 11 lb.
I KNOW! Where did my little one go?
Another milestone... the onesies she was wearing in the hospital... now TOO SMALL!! I had to move some of the 3-6 month clothes over to her armoire/shelf from the spare closet last night.
Well, I guess its time to pack up some of the newborn clothes for the next baby!
Then earlier, we're in front of the computer.. Bella's happy, smiling of course, then a little fussy, so I started singing the theme song to Sesame Street, and she stopped being fussy and started smiling, almost laughing! It was so neat to know someone likes my singing! See, I told you all I could sing well.
other than that... going well!
I hung some laundry on the line... (Bella helped by holding a clothespin) working on my side job (I make scrapbooks for people, they pay me... its great!)
The weather is supposed to be great today, I think Bella and I may go for a walk. My mom is supposed to get my stroller for me, I CAN'T WAIT!! Then we can go for walks ALL THE TIME!
well, back to work. I've got Bella in the Moby and its so nice. May I suggest to all pregnant women and already mom's with kids less than 45 lbs. BUY A MOBY! BUY A MOBY! BUY A MOBY!!
Super Dad was home last Thursday, (snow day, yes, you heard me, snow day, the middle of April) then home Friday sick. Then all weekend he was sick, it was great fun. Booger bombs everywhere. (for those who don't know what a booger bomb is; a wadded up kleenex so wet with snot it sticks to your foot if you step on it, i.e. a "bomb") Well, then he stayed home sick Monday too. And of course Bella had gotten considerably more and more stuffed up. So, mom checked her temp, and a low grade fever had emerged. Thanks dad.
I would have just let her heal on her own, but the fever is my line I do not pass. I will treat all kinds of dreaded kukamunga sickness with vitamins, herbs, rest, chants, etc. until a fever presents, then I give in to those who are degreed in that sort of thing.
Doc said she's fine (of course her fever had subsided by the time we got to the office) and she is just congested and a lot of drainage (which explains her upchuck Monday morning) so Benedryl if it gets to where she can't handle the drainage. So far I have not had to use it. More boob juice for Bella! (studies show that increased breastfeeding during illness heals babies faster!)
You'd be interested to know that our little princess is now 11 lb.
I KNOW! Where did my little one go?
Another milestone... the onesies she was wearing in the hospital... now TOO SMALL!! I had to move some of the 3-6 month clothes over to her armoire/shelf from the spare closet last night.
Well, I guess its time to pack up some of the newborn clothes for the next baby!
Then earlier, we're in front of the computer.. Bella's happy, smiling of course, then a little fussy, so I started singing the theme song to Sesame Street, and she stopped being fussy and started smiling, almost laughing! It was so neat to know someone likes my singing! See, I told you all I could sing well.
other than that... going well!
I hung some laundry on the line... (Bella helped by holding a clothespin) working on my side job (I make scrapbooks for people, they pay me... its great!)
The weather is supposed to be great today, I think Bella and I may go for a walk. My mom is supposed to get my stroller for me, I CAN'T WAIT!! Then we can go for walks ALL THE TIME!
well, back to work. I've got Bella in the Moby and its so nice. May I suggest to all pregnant women and already mom's with kids less than 45 lbs. BUY A MOBY! BUY A MOBY! BUY A MOBY!!
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
home again, home again, jiggity jig
Super Dad was home today.
It was a great Bella day, a horrible dad and mom day.
We found out he didn't get the job he was "perfect for". That's not my quote, that's the man who called to let him know that they picked someone else despite the fact super dad was "perfect for" it. The reason? He was too honest. He told them that he was looking into multiple job opportunities in the hopes they would let him know the job status as soon as possible. That, apparently, has been a problem with previous employees, so they decided not to take a chance on super dad.
So he was home again working on sending out MORE resumes, and filling out MORE job applications.
While he was home Bella had a wonderful day. She of course slept all morning as usual and then was awake in the afternoon. She and super dad played, and laughed (well, not laughing yet, just smiling) and farted together. A great time was had by all.
Super dad keeps saying that she looks and feels so different, so much bigger so we got on the scale... sure enough... 9lb 4 ounces. She is just over a month, and was 6 lb 8 oz. at her one week checkup, so she seems to be gaining weight well! Then we measured her, born at 19 in. now she is 22 in. It sure is amazing how fast they grow.
Her gas seems to be calming down as of late, a lot less crying lately.
I was very excited the other day to find out that Bella really enjoyed side-lying to nurse. That made me exstatic to know I could lay down and relax to feed her.. but recently she has been spitting up after she eats while lying down. So... maybe I'm not as excited as I thought.
Her schedule seems to be smoothing out as well (unless its a gassy day). Then we're up in the evening working out a poop or a really good fart. We eat then go to bed from 11:00-12:00 pm to 4 or 5 am, then eat, then sleep till 8 or 9 am then eat then sleep till 12 or 1 pm then eat then awake for an hour or so then eat again, then sleep from 3-4 to 6 or 7 then eat every hour until about 11 or 12 pm. Of course this changes if she's gassy. and if you come over to visit or ask me on any day it'll be different.
well I hear her crying on daddy's lap. I fell asleep with her and asked him when we fell asleep (I can't remember) so I don't know how long it's been, but I BET SHE'S HUNGRY!!!!
It was a great Bella day, a horrible dad and mom day.
We found out he didn't get the job he was "perfect for". That's not my quote, that's the man who called to let him know that they picked someone else despite the fact super dad was "perfect for" it. The reason? He was too honest. He told them that he was looking into multiple job opportunities in the hopes they would let him know the job status as soon as possible. That, apparently, has been a problem with previous employees, so they decided not to take a chance on super dad.
So he was home again working on sending out MORE resumes, and filling out MORE job applications.
While he was home Bella had a wonderful day. She of course slept all morning as usual and then was awake in the afternoon. She and super dad played, and laughed (well, not laughing yet, just smiling) and farted together. A great time was had by all.
Super dad keeps saying that she looks and feels so different, so much bigger so we got on the scale... sure enough... 9lb 4 ounces. She is just over a month, and was 6 lb 8 oz. at her one week checkup, so she seems to be gaining weight well! Then we measured her, born at 19 in. now she is 22 in. It sure is amazing how fast they grow.
Her gas seems to be calming down as of late, a lot less crying lately.
I was very excited the other day to find out that Bella really enjoyed side-lying to nurse. That made me exstatic to know I could lay down and relax to feed her.. but recently she has been spitting up after she eats while lying down. So... maybe I'm not as excited as I thought.
Her schedule seems to be smoothing out as well (unless its a gassy day). Then we're up in the evening working out a poop or a really good fart. We eat then go to bed from 11:00-12:00 pm to 4 or 5 am, then eat, then sleep till 8 or 9 am then eat then sleep till 12 or 1 pm then eat then awake for an hour or so then eat again, then sleep from 3-4 to 6 or 7 then eat every hour until about 11 or 12 pm. Of course this changes if she's gassy. and if you come over to visit or ask me on any day it'll be different.
well I hear her crying on daddy's lap. I fell asleep with her and asked him when we fell asleep (I can't remember) so I don't know how long it's been, but I BET SHE'S HUNGRY!!!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
home alone
The day has come.
Super dad has taken maternity leave with me and has been home up until today. But now, he has gone back to work today, so Bella and I are home alone.
The past 4 weeks have really gone fast. Our little Isabella is one month old.
Every time I mention that to super dad he just says, "yes, and she will turn 1 year old, and 10 years old, and 50 years old. Look forward to the next 'one'"
He's right, she will always be growing and learning.
On Monday we took her for her first hike. The weather was gorgeous. UNTIL we got to the property we hike on, and I had her in the Moby wrap, HOLY HANNAH.. it got HOT! I was sweating... I had a tank top on, so at least I was sleeveless. Super dad just laughed. THANKS!!
Then Tuesday we hung around the house and took tons of "I'm One Month Old Today" pictures. Then we got Wings for dinner and rented some movies.
It was sad to say goodbye to daddy this morning, but who knows what's in store. Maybe he'll get to say goodbye to me in the mornings and he can stay home with Bella, or who knows. Hopefully, he'll be able to find a new job. Yeah, as horrible as that sounds, super dad's job is being cut... so... we're off on a new adventure. If you remember the poem written for our wedding by a super aunt, we're always looking for our path, on new adventures.
I know we'll look back and say this all happened for a reason, and something good came out of it. But being stuck in the middle of it.. right now... it's downright shitty!!!
-the mom
Super dad has taken maternity leave with me and has been home up until today. But now, he has gone back to work today, so Bella and I are home alone.
The past 4 weeks have really gone fast. Our little Isabella is one month old.
Every time I mention that to super dad he just says, "yes, and she will turn 1 year old, and 10 years old, and 50 years old. Look forward to the next 'one'"
He's right, she will always be growing and learning.
On Monday we took her for her first hike. The weather was gorgeous. UNTIL we got to the property we hike on, and I had her in the Moby wrap, HOLY HANNAH.. it got HOT! I was sweating... I had a tank top on, so at least I was sleeveless. Super dad just laughed. THANKS!!
Then Tuesday we hung around the house and took tons of "I'm One Month Old Today" pictures. Then we got Wings for dinner and rented some movies.
It was sad to say goodbye to daddy this morning, but who knows what's in store. Maybe he'll get to say goodbye to me in the mornings and he can stay home with Bella, or who knows. Hopefully, he'll be able to find a new job. Yeah, as horrible as that sounds, super dad's job is being cut... so... we're off on a new adventure. If you remember the poem written for our wedding by a super aunt, we're always looking for our path, on new adventures.
I know we'll look back and say this all happened for a reason, and something good came out of it. But being stuck in the middle of it.. right now... it's downright shitty!!!
-the mom
Sunday, March 18, 2007
days gone by
It's such a cliche.
Time Flies...
It really has. My mom came up to visit this past weekend and I just couldn't wait to hear her say she can't believe how much Isabella has changed. (she was there at the birth) But, despite all of the things I pointed out that I thought had changed, nope... she couldn't see it.
Maybe it's just me, but I sure can.
Her cry; it was so meek that first week home. Now it always has a purpose. It's not very often either. Gas is usually the culprit.
Her hands; she was always in a "Bella burrito" and her hands would get swaddled along with the rest of her. Now.... they have to be out, and if they aren't she finds a way to make sure they are out.
Her eyes; we didn't see much of her eyes that first week, but now, they are open and ready to learn. I hope we can keep your eyes as busy as possible my Bella....
Best of all... her smile; yes, I have mentioned it before, she smiles. I KNOW it has a purpose.. I KNOW it's not just gas.
There are so many more little things that I could go on for days. But these days are fleeting, and my time with her at this age is short. I must go and enjoy my beautiful baby.
Oh, and we are still welcoming visitors!!! So far.. only 3 takers, and 2 were grandparents so that doesn't count. :)
hmmm... maybe a nap is a good idea too.
-the mom
Time Flies...
It really has. My mom came up to visit this past weekend and I just couldn't wait to hear her say she can't believe how much Isabella has changed. (she was there at the birth) But, despite all of the things I pointed out that I thought had changed, nope... she couldn't see it.
Maybe it's just me, but I sure can.
Her cry; it was so meek that first week home. Now it always has a purpose. It's not very often either. Gas is usually the culprit.
Her hands; she was always in a "Bella burrito" and her hands would get swaddled along with the rest of her. Now.... they have to be out, and if they aren't she finds a way to make sure they are out.
Her eyes; we didn't see much of her eyes that first week, but now, they are open and ready to learn. I hope we can keep your eyes as busy as possible my Bella....
Best of all... her smile; yes, I have mentioned it before, she smiles. I KNOW it has a purpose.. I KNOW it's not just gas.
There are so many more little things that I could go on for days. But these days are fleeting, and my time with her at this age is short. I must go and enjoy my beautiful baby.
Oh, and we are still welcoming visitors!!! So far.. only 3 takers, and 2 were grandparents so that doesn't count. :)
hmmm... maybe a nap is a good idea too.
-the mom
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
EEEWW.. no we're not saving it
So, today was another milestone..
Bella's cord stump fell off..
People keep asking us if we are going to save it. um, eww, NO!!
We also had some visitors today.. YAY! human contact!
Well, all has been going well.
more later...
-the mom
Bella's cord stump fell off..
People keep asking us if we are going to save it. um, eww, NO!!
We also had some visitors today.. YAY! human contact!
Well, all has been going well.
more later...
-the mom
Friday, March 09, 2007
Part 3 - Catch This
Continued from Part 2 - Contraction Action
So now that we have Mom-to-be in position it was time for the serious work of getting the baby out of her.
I'm not saying up until now was a picnic, or that Mom-to-be wasn't serious mind you. I'm only saying that now it's commitment time. No turning back. Going for broke. Giving 110%.
Ok, enough with the clichés, you get the idea.
The Midwife had some hot compresses and olive oil ready to massage the perineum. This technique is supposed to help prevent tearing. And for those of you who are thinking that an episiotomy will help prevent tearing, you might want to check out some recent studies that suggest that this is actually a bad idea and in some cases will help accelerate tearing.
Anyway, back to the story. So at about 1:30 everyone gets in position. I'm at my station talking to the wife and getting myself ready to lift the pillow during each push. Ok, I know that doesn't sound like much and in the grand scheme of things it really isn't , but it's all I'm really there to do. That and to be sure someone eats the meatloaf (see Contraction Action for more on that).
Funny thing I haven't mentioned up to this point. I started to notice that during each contraction while Mom-to-be was trying to relax. Her ears turned red. I could actually tell when a contraction was about to happen by looking at the shade of her ears.
So the first contraction; big contraction, hits and Mom-to-be bares down. We start to get a play by play from the staff at the receiving end, but from our angle there isn't much to see.
They do have a mirror on the ceiling for Mom-to-be to watch, but at this point we can't see much.
Now it's kind of a cruel joke for the Mom-to-be because during every push the baby comes out some, but then it ducks back in. After several minutes of pushing someone said they could see the head. So during some of the pushing I caught Mom-to-be trying to catch a glimpse of her baby through one eye as she was baring down. I have to say it's a really a good thing we saw SO many videos of birth in class. Simply put... "desensitization".
Birth; folks, is a VERY messy affair and you really want to be ready for it. The last thing I wanted to do was to scream, "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" and then faint dead away.
Nope, that didn't happen. Instead I stood there and watched my baby being born, and I have to tell you that nothing can compare to that. Knowing that your partner would put forth this kind of effort to bring into the world a little one, that you both get to share. It's pretty humbling really. And also, there is no way she can ever say she is too tired to hike just a little further, because I now know better.
So, after pushing for just over an hour our little girl was born. I cut the cord and welcomed her into the world.
She cried and cried. I was so incredibly happy, I really can't put it into words.
So with that, I'll stop here.
Next up Part 4 - The Voyage Home
So now that we have Mom-to-be in position it was time for the serious work of getting the baby out of her.
I'm not saying up until now was a picnic, or that Mom-to-be wasn't serious mind you. I'm only saying that now it's commitment time. No turning back. Going for broke. Giving 110%.
Ok, enough with the clichés, you get the idea.
The Midwife had some hot compresses and olive oil ready to massage the perineum. This technique is supposed to help prevent tearing. And for those of you who are thinking that an episiotomy will help prevent tearing, you might want to check out some recent studies that suggest that this is actually a bad idea and in some cases will help accelerate tearing.
Anyway, back to the story. So at about 1:30 everyone gets in position. I'm at my station talking to the wife and getting myself ready to lift the pillow during each push. Ok, I know that doesn't sound like much and in the grand scheme of things it really isn't , but it's all I'm really there to do. That and to be sure someone eats the meatloaf (see Contraction Action for more on that).
Funny thing I haven't mentioned up to this point. I started to notice that during each contraction while Mom-to-be was trying to relax. Her ears turned red. I could actually tell when a contraction was about to happen by looking at the shade of her ears.
So the first contraction; big contraction, hits and Mom-to-be bares down. We start to get a play by play from the staff at the receiving end, but from our angle there isn't much to see.
They do have a mirror on the ceiling for Mom-to-be to watch, but at this point we can't see much.
Now it's kind of a cruel joke for the Mom-to-be because during every push the baby comes out some, but then it ducks back in. After several minutes of pushing someone said they could see the head. So during some of the pushing I caught Mom-to-be trying to catch a glimpse of her baby through one eye as she was baring down. I have to say it's a really a good thing we saw SO many videos of birth in class. Simply put... "desensitization".
Birth; folks, is a VERY messy affair and you really want to be ready for it. The last thing I wanted to do was to scream, "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" and then faint dead away.
Nope, that didn't happen. Instead I stood there and watched my baby being born, and I have to tell you that nothing can compare to that. Knowing that your partner would put forth this kind of effort to bring into the world a little one, that you both get to share. It's pretty humbling really. And also, there is no way she can ever say she is too tired to hike just a little further, because I now know better.
So, after pushing for just over an hour our little girl was born. I cut the cord and welcomed her into the world.
She cried and cried. I was so incredibly happy, I really can't put it into words.
So with that, I'll stop here.
Next up Part 4 - The Voyage Home
Thursday, March 08, 2007
It's not JUST gas...
Today was a big day for me. Super Dad got Isabella to smile today. I'm not talking gas smiles either.
How do I know it wasn't just gas? We were in the computer room and Dad had her on his lap. (in the "on the computer" lap position; one leg crossed and up on the other leg, which makes a perfect spot to hold baby, thanks Grandma!!) So Dad had her looking up at him and she was cooing and happy, then out of the blue he starts tickling her sides and making a goofy noise.
She started to smile, and squirm. The more he tickled the more she smiled and squirmed..I couldn't believe it!! She was smiling... a big goofy, happy smile!!
(of course the minute he stopped so I could get the camera, she stopped laughing, and wouldn't do it again)
She has changed so much just in the past week and 3 days since she has been born.
I just can't take it all in, it's all so beautiful.
Everything about her is beautiful, and today, I don't know how, but it just got better.
How do I know it wasn't just gas? We were in the computer room and Dad had her on his lap. (in the "on the computer" lap position; one leg crossed and up on the other leg, which makes a perfect spot to hold baby, thanks Grandma!!) So Dad had her looking up at him and she was cooing and happy, then out of the blue he starts tickling her sides and making a goofy noise.
She started to smile, and squirm. The more he tickled the more she smiled and squirmed..I couldn't believe it!! She was smiling... a big goofy, happy smile!!
(of course the minute he stopped so I could get the camera, she stopped laughing, and wouldn't do it again)
She has changed so much just in the past week and 3 days since she has been born.
I just can't take it all in, it's all so beautiful.
Everything about her is beautiful, and today, I don't know how, but it just got better.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Quick Update
So this is going to be a quick update and then we'll get back to the birth story in a minute.
This morning off the coast of Diaperville a Poonami was sighted. It did extensive damage to both the sleeper, blanket, and the will of the people.
The hazmat team has been called, but one of the members was overheard saying, "uhuh, not me. That's nasty."
OMG this kid just had the biggest blowout I've ever had the misfortune of seeing. I mean she was sleeping happily minding her own business when I overheard a loud "brakkkkthhbitttt". I looked at Mommy and said, "uh, oh".
Then with a slight of hand skill even Houdini would have been impressed by, I spun the little one around so the business end was facing Mommy. This didn't go unnoticed, but was quickly overshadowed by what Mommy found waiting for her under just a few cm of cloth.
The wife looked at me with a very serious expression and said, "Bath. Now."
The Mom briefly contemplated just tossing out the sleeper, and if in fact it wasn't so warm and fit so well I would have agreed, but instead it is being salvaged as we speak.
Sadly, I can't say I'll ever be able to eat butterscotch pudding again.
This morning off the coast of Diaperville a Poonami was sighted. It did extensive damage to both the sleeper, blanket, and the will of the people.
The hazmat team has been called, but one of the members was overheard saying, "uhuh, not me. That's nasty."
OMG this kid just had the biggest blowout I've ever had the misfortune of seeing. I mean she was sleeping happily minding her own business when I overheard a loud "brakkkkthhbitttt". I looked at Mommy and said, "uh, oh".
Then with a slight of hand skill even Houdini would have been impressed by, I spun the little one around so the business end was facing Mommy. This didn't go unnoticed, but was quickly overshadowed by what Mommy found waiting for her under just a few cm of cloth.
The wife looked at me with a very serious expression and said, "Bath. Now."
The Mom briefly contemplated just tossing out the sleeper, and if in fact it wasn't so warm and fit so well I would have agreed, but instead it is being salvaged as we speak.
Sadly, I can't say I'll ever be able to eat butterscotch pudding again.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Part 1 - SURPRISE!
So it happened.
The day we've been planning for, for almost 9 months. Notice I said "almost 9 months".
Our little one seems to take after Dad and decided to arrive a few days earlier than expected.
But that's neither here nor there, so let's get down to business.
The following is the birth story from the Dad's [and mom's] point of view. [Dad-2-b is in orange, mom-2-b is in blue]
For those of you who might be expecting or are planning on expecting or are even remotely curious about the idea of expecting sometime in your life let me give you a bit of sage advice.
[no shit....]
This cannot be more pointedly expressed than in the events of the birth of our child.
I had gotten word the night of the 25th that I would not have to work on the 26th so I spent more time messing around until after 1am (I usually go to bed at 10). I had done the same thing the night before because it was the weekend, but I had gotten up at my usual time of 6am both days.
[My sleep had been off as well. I called in sick to work on Friday the 24th. Like I said, I hadn't slept well, and felt kind of weird. Then through the weekend I stayed up as well, working on the shelving unit (check previous post). Then Sunday night I still didn't feel any better.. so I called in sick again.]
During the day of the 26th Mom-to-Be and myself took a short 2 hour nap around 4pm.
[thanks to me... I had to MAKE him, now who's the genius?]
So as you can see we were both a bit sleep deprived as the events started to unfold.
As the evening of the 26th approached we had a bit of snow so I headed out to shovel. Mom-to-be wanted to help and over my objections she spent some time shoveling a path from our house to the driveway (30ft).
[what?, I felt fine.. leave me alone]
When she got to the driveway I really had to tell her to stop. I mean if people thought I condoned my wife’s shoveling at over 8.5 months pregnant I'd never hear the end of it.
[he really did make me stop]
So while I shoveled Mom-to-be made mini snowmen on the hood of my car.
After the shoveling we were very hungry, but I had a little project to work on for the wife so I set out to do that around 8pm. Mom-to-be said she’d make sandwiches and bring one down to me.
[I did...and this is when we first should have realized something was up.. when I went to the basement and gave him his sandwich I realized my breasts were leaking.. this was new to me. I am in no way saying that leaking is an indicator of labor... but who knows???]
It wasn't until just before 10 that I learned that although she made me food, she hadn't eaten. Well, I had some harsh words with her on our intercom phone via the basement to the upstairs computer room (2 floors away).
[He was right though.. I needed to eat a long time ago.. but got busy doing something else]
Then just after 10pm I heard a faint whistling sound. The same whistle that we use to find each other in stores (it's kind of an audible ping we've worked out). But this was strange because we have the phone intercom system. Then it hit me, if she wasn't calling on the phone, then she must not be able to GET to the phone.
[So I'm sitting at the computer, we get off the phone, and I stand up to go get myself something to eat, then as I turn I see something on the floor of the closet, one of the LED lights we put up had fallen so I went to fix it. I bent over to pick it up and GUSH!! well, not really, more of a light trickle. Yes, it's just like everyone says.. you question yourself to see if you just wet yourself or if its the real thing.. so I get to the bathroom ASAP. YES SIR... WE HAVE RUPTURED MEMBRANES!!!!!!!! So then I'm sitting there, and I yell.. PATRICK!!!........... no answer.........PATRICK!!!!!!...... no answer......... PATRICK!!!!!!!!!!!......... no answer... shit.. how am I going to ge...*ding* light bulb, *whistle*....*whistle*.... then I hear him coming up the stairs]
I walked up the first flight of stairs calling her name with a sort of questioning tone in my voice.
She responded with, "Umm, I think my water broke".
"Oh really?" I replied.
"Uhh, yeah....” she continued with an explanation of what happened.
Yep, it was true the baby was on the way.
What happened next was a kind of blur. Not that I was in anyway panicking. Ok.. at one point I did have a bit of an oh-shit fest, but this was well out of earshot of Mom-to-be as I didn't think she needed to see me starting to unravel. After I composed myself (only minutes mind you) I called the midwife and gave her the low down. She asked us into the hospital ASAP as Mom-to-be needed to start some antibiotics.
I didn't like the idea of going in early as contractions hadn't started and I knew it would be a long night, that might be followed by an induction with pitocin, something Mom-to-be and I really opposed.
So, we spent time going over our check list, getting a quick shower in, packing a few more foods into our second bag and just really taking our time to be sure to have everything we needed.
[Dad-2-b really wanted to get going... I wanted to "putz" around the house and make sure that every last thing was ready for baby. He had to literally pull me out of the house. The funnest part for me was calling work to say... MY WATER BROKE, CALL THE SUB!!!!]
We left home at about 12:15 a full 2 hours after the midwife had asked us to. I was a little nervous about this as I didn't want her to start to worry. Little did I know, it would be the quick email to my family that would start the "Panic Train" down its tracks, (more on that later).
[I only had to call my mom, and we agreed to call her from the hospital to let her know how urgently she needed to get to the hospital]
The road to the hospital was pretty snow covered and not well traveled. Actually it looked like a very long snow covered football field. It is normally a 45-minute drive to the hospital, but this night it took over an hour. All I could do was stay between the trees and hope I was on the road.
We got to the hospital a little after 1am. We were met by a staff that was very relieved we were there. It turns out one of the Aunt's-to-be started a rallying cry from across the country to find the missing couple. Later after reading the email I sent out I could see how it might have incited panic in a person, so next time I'll a be a bit more specific with my info. The Aunt-2-b enlisted a henchman, so my brother showed up at the hospital shortly after we did!!!!
After arriving at the hospital and getting Mom-to-be checked out, on the antibiotic, and sure things were as we thought.
[We planned to not be on constant monitoring, so that meant that they needed a baseline of the baby's heart rate, and my vitals, etc. etc.. The nurse also checked me and I was at 31/2 cm, -1 station 90% effaced. the 20 minute required baseline of the baby's heart rate took about an hour. She was moving SO MUCH they couldn't track her until I held the monitor in place.]
The wonderful nurses brought Mom-to-be a little box lunch to keep her strength up. Then we set out to see if we could stimulate contractions. Walking was our best bet so we did that for a while. After looping around the circular corridor almost 40 times (2 miles) we thought it best if we go rest for a bit.
Contractions were just not happening and we really wanted to be sure things were on the right track.
[Well, contractions were happening, just not regular and NOT progressing]
We took a break and Mom-to-Be had some more food and I set out getting things ready in the room.
I had a couple of little surprises for Mom-to-be. I had gotten (from the Mother-in-law) some really nice LED candles. They gave the room a nice relaxing glow and as they weren't open flame they didn't violate any hospital rules.
[They were so nice. I really wanted the room to have a relaxing homey feel, and those LED candles did the job!!]
Mom-in-law showed up sometime after this and she got settled in as well.
It wasn't much later and we were reaching morning (6am) and the day staff was arriving. The midwife arrived around 7am to see how Mom-to-be was doing. 4cm was the results, only .5 more than the night nurse and this isn't really an exact measurement.
We were told to keep working on it, so we went for ANOTHER walk as well as Mom-to-be began some thumb sucking to help move contractions along. This seemed to work a bit, but it gave her a headache.
[I also felt pretty foolish sucking my thumb, but it worked! I was progressing the contractions, but not getting them more regular]
Then around 9 the midwife came back for another check up. Things hadn't changed much and she was talking pitocin or natural stimulation. The thumb sucking didn't seem to do it so it was on to the more interesting form of stimulation, which I'll leave to your imagination.
Next up "Part 2 - Contraction Action"
The day we've been planning for, for almost 9 months. Notice I said "almost 9 months".
Our little one seems to take after Dad and decided to arrive a few days earlier than expected.
But that's neither here nor there, so let's get down to business.
The following is the birth story from the Dad's [and mom's] point of view. [Dad-2-b is in orange, mom-2-b is in blue]
For those of you who might be expecting or are planning on expecting or are even remotely curious about the idea of expecting sometime in your life let me give you a bit of sage advice.
[no shit....]
This cannot be more pointedly expressed than in the events of the birth of our child.
I had gotten word the night of the 25th that I would not have to work on the 26th so I spent more time messing around until after 1am (I usually go to bed at 10). I had done the same thing the night before because it was the weekend, but I had gotten up at my usual time of 6am both days.
[My sleep had been off as well. I called in sick to work on Friday the 24th. Like I said, I hadn't slept well, and felt kind of weird. Then through the weekend I stayed up as well, working on the shelving unit (check previous post). Then Sunday night I still didn't feel any better.. so I called in sick again.]
During the day of the 26th Mom-to-Be and myself took a short 2 hour nap around 4pm.
[thanks to me... I had to MAKE him, now who's the genius?]
So as you can see we were both a bit sleep deprived as the events started to unfold.
As the evening of the 26th approached we had a bit of snow so I headed out to shovel. Mom-to-be wanted to help and over my objections she spent some time shoveling a path from our house to the driveway (30ft).
[what?, I felt fine.. leave me alone]
When she got to the driveway I really had to tell her to stop. I mean if people thought I condoned my wife’s shoveling at over 8.5 months pregnant I'd never hear the end of it.
[he really did make me stop]
So while I shoveled Mom-to-be made mini snowmen on the hood of my car.
After the shoveling we were very hungry, but I had a little project to work on for the wife so I set out to do that around 8pm. Mom-to-be said she’d make sandwiches and bring one down to me.
[I did...and this is when we first should have realized something was up.. when I went to the basement and gave him his sandwich I realized my breasts were leaking.. this was new to me. I am in no way saying that leaking is an indicator of labor... but who knows???]
It wasn't until just before 10 that I learned that although she made me food, she hadn't eaten. Well, I had some harsh words with her on our intercom phone via the basement to the upstairs computer room (2 floors away).
[He was right though.. I needed to eat a long time ago.. but got busy doing something else]
Then just after 10pm I heard a faint whistling sound. The same whistle that we use to find each other in stores (it's kind of an audible ping we've worked out). But this was strange because we have the phone intercom system. Then it hit me, if she wasn't calling on the phone, then she must not be able to GET to the phone.
[So I'm sitting at the computer, we get off the phone, and I stand up to go get myself something to eat, then as I turn I see something on the floor of the closet, one of the LED lights we put up had fallen so I went to fix it. I bent over to pick it up and GUSH!! well, not really, more of a light trickle. Yes, it's just like everyone says.. you question yourself to see if you just wet yourself or if its the real thing.. so I get to the bathroom ASAP. YES SIR... WE HAVE RUPTURED MEMBRANES!!!!!!!! So then I'm sitting there, and I yell.. PATRICK!!!........... no answer.........PATRICK!!!!!!...... no answer......... PATRICK!!!!!!!!!!!......... no answer... shit.. how am I going to ge...*ding* light bulb, *whistle*....*whistle*.... then I hear him coming up the stairs]
I walked up the first flight of stairs calling her name with a sort of questioning tone in my voice.
She responded with, "Umm, I think my water broke".
"Oh really?" I replied.
"Uhh, yeah....” she continued with an explanation of what happened.
Yep, it was true the baby was on the way.
What happened next was a kind of blur. Not that I was in anyway panicking. Ok.. at one point I did have a bit of an oh-shit fest, but this was well out of earshot of Mom-to-be as I didn't think she needed to see me starting to unravel. After I composed myself (only minutes mind you) I called the midwife and gave her the low down. She asked us into the hospital ASAP as Mom-to-be needed to start some antibiotics.
I didn't like the idea of going in early as contractions hadn't started and I knew it would be a long night, that might be followed by an induction with pitocin, something Mom-to-be and I really opposed.
So, we spent time going over our check list, getting a quick shower in, packing a few more foods into our second bag and just really taking our time to be sure to have everything we needed.
[Dad-2-b really wanted to get going... I wanted to "putz" around the house and make sure that every last thing was ready for baby. He had to literally pull me out of the house. The funnest part for me was calling work to say... MY WATER BROKE, CALL THE SUB!!!!]
We left home at about 12:15 a full 2 hours after the midwife had asked us to. I was a little nervous about this as I didn't want her to start to worry. Little did I know, it would be the quick email to my family that would start the "Panic Train" down its tracks, (more on that later).
[I only had to call my mom, and we agreed to call her from the hospital to let her know how urgently she needed to get to the hospital]
The road to the hospital was pretty snow covered and not well traveled. Actually it looked like a very long snow covered football field. It is normally a 45-minute drive to the hospital, but this night it took over an hour. All I could do was stay between the trees and hope I was on the road.
We got to the hospital a little after 1am. We were met by a staff that was very relieved we were there. It turns out one of the Aunt's-to-be started a rallying cry from across the country to find the missing couple. Later after reading the email I sent out I could see how it might have incited panic in a person, so next time I'll a be a bit more specific with my info. The Aunt-2-b enlisted a henchman, so my brother showed up at the hospital shortly after we did!!!!
After arriving at the hospital and getting Mom-to-be checked out, on the antibiotic, and sure things were as we thought.
[We planned to not be on constant monitoring, so that meant that they needed a baseline of the baby's heart rate, and my vitals, etc. etc.. The nurse also checked me and I was at 31/2 cm, -1 station 90% effaced. the 20 minute required baseline of the baby's heart rate took about an hour. She was moving SO MUCH they couldn't track her until I held the monitor in place.]
The wonderful nurses brought Mom-to-be a little box lunch to keep her strength up. Then we set out to see if we could stimulate contractions. Walking was our best bet so we did that for a while. After looping around the circular corridor almost 40 times (2 miles) we thought it best if we go rest for a bit.
Contractions were just not happening and we really wanted to be sure things were on the right track.
[Well, contractions were happening, just not regular and NOT progressing]
We took a break and Mom-to-Be had some more food and I set out getting things ready in the room.
I had a couple of little surprises for Mom-to-be. I had gotten (from the Mother-in-law) some really nice LED candles. They gave the room a nice relaxing glow and as they weren't open flame they didn't violate any hospital rules.
[They were so nice. I really wanted the room to have a relaxing homey feel, and those LED candles did the job!!]
Mom-in-law showed up sometime after this and she got settled in as well.
It wasn't much later and we were reaching morning (6am) and the day staff was arriving. The midwife arrived around 7am to see how Mom-to-be was doing. 4cm was the results, only .5 more than the night nurse and this isn't really an exact measurement.
We were told to keep working on it, so we went for ANOTHER walk as well as Mom-to-be began some thumb sucking to help move contractions along. This seemed to work a bit, but it gave her a headache.
[I also felt pretty foolish sucking my thumb, but it worked! I was progressing the contractions, but not getting them more regular]
Then around 9 the midwife came back for another check up. Things hadn't changed much and she was talking pitocin or natural stimulation. The thumb sucking didn't seem to do it so it was on to the more interesting form of stimulation, which I'll leave to your imagination.
Next up "Part 2 - Contraction Action"
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Tick, tick, tick
The following blog was saved as a draft a few days before the BIG event. I thought it would be nice to still post it.
So as those of you who have been following our blog know time is short.
I mean REALLY short.
Phenomenally short really.
But surprisingly things are actually coming together.
I was able to (with the wife’s help) finish a shelving unit for the bedroom. It holds a college-sized fridge and all the accessories necessary for the daily tasks involving the little one.
I built it with ¾ inch MDF, which I’ve never used before, but I’m a bit of a fan of now.
Then we headed off to the new Menards to buy some paint and the wife picked out a nice light green. So that evening we put it together in the bedroom and while I was building the feet for the unit she started painting.
I like the way it came out. Now if only the cradle would go as smoothly.
Now that I've completed this project I'm starting to feel a bit more prepared for what's to come.
Oh, I know one can't be REALLY prepared, but you do the best you can and move on.
So let's go down the list.
1. Bags are packed.
2. Car seat bought (need to install it).
3. Bed set up.
4. Baby gear, storage done.
5. Baby classes finished.
6. iPod music, set.
7. The Oh-God-I-forgot-something panic. Started.
Good.. I think we have everything.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
sale? baby stuff sale? huh? where?
Today I went to my first mom-2-mom sale. It was nice. Indoor garage saleing. Life is good. I spent about 35.00 that would have been about 80.00 in a store. (super dad-2-b thought about 100.00)
Super dad-2-b caught you up on our second shower with my family. I couldn't believe how many people came! I mean, the weather was HORRIBLE! such dedication I tell you. The food was good, but to put your life on the line like that! just kidding. I love my family and couldn't have been happier to see everyone! My sister and mom put on a WONDERFUL shower.
I must admit I was nervous to let mom: 'Queen of planning' and sister: 'Queen of accessorizing' work on something together. But, it turned out spectacular! (of course we still have jungle animal balloons bouncing around our living room, and parts of a jungle cookie bouquet in the kitchen, and jungle toys on the coffee table, and a jungle rug in the baby stuff room, and a blown up monkey and tiger hanging out in my bedroom, I'm not even going to mention anything about the palm tree, need I say more?)
Then on Friday Feb. 9 I had a party given by great friends at work. It was fabulous as well. I think I stayed too long though, people were starting to think my tiredness was grouchiness! I got some more wonderful gifts. Some that even super dad-2-b got excited about! (this was the only shower that super dad-2-b didn't go to, so I got to have fun showing him all the cool stuff when I got home!)
Tuesday Feb. 13 was my last shower. This one was given by all the staff at the school I work at. It was a dual shower with another lady from work who is due 2 days before I am. Both of our husbands came, but mind you, they only came because the other husband did.
Again, got some really cute things. The staff collected money so I could go online and ORDER THE CO-SLEEPER!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! It arrives on Tuesday!
So, I think I am almost ready! well, not me, ready, getting the things I need ready. The car seat is set in super dad-2-b's car, (not properly installed yet, but we're waiting for a call back from the state trooper who is "PROPERLY TRAINED" to install it) The room is ready for the co-sleeper. The hospital bag is packed, baby clothes are being washed as we speak!
Now I just have to accept the fact that this is real, and soon we'll be responsible for a little bundle that makes poo. (you do know that is their only superpower until it changes to a new superpower, SCREAMING!)
OH, I am so tired lately too! I just can't keep my eyes open. time to go nap.
Super dad-2-b caught you up on our second shower with my family. I couldn't believe how many people came! I mean, the weather was HORRIBLE! such dedication I tell you. The food was good, but to put your life on the line like that! just kidding. I love my family and couldn't have been happier to see everyone! My sister and mom put on a WONDERFUL shower.
I must admit I was nervous to let mom: 'Queen of planning' and sister: 'Queen of accessorizing' work on something together. But, it turned out spectacular! (of course we still have jungle animal balloons bouncing around our living room, and parts of a jungle cookie bouquet in the kitchen, and jungle toys on the coffee table, and a jungle rug in the baby stuff room, and a blown up monkey and tiger hanging out in my bedroom, I'm not even going to mention anything about the palm tree, need I say more?)
Then on Friday Feb. 9 I had a party given by great friends at work. It was fabulous as well. I think I stayed too long though, people were starting to think my tiredness was grouchiness! I got some more wonderful gifts. Some that even super dad-2-b got excited about! (this was the only shower that super dad-2-b didn't go to, so I got to have fun showing him all the cool stuff when I got home!)
Tuesday Feb. 13 was my last shower. This one was given by all the staff at the school I work at. It was a dual shower with another lady from work who is due 2 days before I am. Both of our husbands came, but mind you, they only came because the other husband did.
Again, got some really cute things. The staff collected money so I could go online and ORDER THE CO-SLEEPER!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! It arrives on Tuesday!
So, I think I am almost ready! well, not me, ready, getting the things I need ready. The car seat is set in super dad-2-b's car, (not properly installed yet, but we're waiting for a call back from the state trooper who is "PROPERLY TRAINED" to install it) The room is ready for the co-sleeper. The hospital bag is packed, baby clothes are being washed as we speak!
Now I just have to accept the fact that this is real, and soon we'll be responsible for a little bundle that makes poo. (you do know that is their only superpower until it changes to a new superpower, SCREAMING!)
OH, I am so tired lately too! I just can't keep my eyes open. time to go nap.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Sunny with a chance of showers
So we've just finished up two showers. The first was (as you've read below) put on as a male/female party.
We live several hours away from the location of the party that everything had to be done by our friends who were setting it up. And boy did they do a nice job!
We had a pool table, foosball, air hockey, food, root beer, friends... and oh yeah, baby stuff.
But really it was food and pool that most interested me.
.... Oh give me a break, yes the baby stuff was important and cool too. Shesh.. I'm not that shallow... but it really is a nice pool table.
Here is a list of all the little people we need to thank.. I've encoded their names to protect their identity.
fefyej, bream, raky, bojan, dancea, nala, nicval, nad, oje, byobb, lelchime, bro, cillechor, sejes, nanaibr, nadrami, and also the 'rents of all the above who helped as well. especially those of you who made food because as we've already established I really enjoyed the food.
Oh, and Todd you suck so I'm not encoding your name. Ok, what the hell, dotd.. I can't help myself, it's just so much fun.
The second party was held a week later by her family. They decorated like crazy and the balloons really entertained me. It was a bit more traditional so alas I was the only guy there. Yep, it was just me in a sea of estrogen.
Ok, it wasn't really that bad. I had a lot of fun and oh yes they had really good food there as well so I was set. They had a pool table, too, but sadly it was under the food. I tried to eat my way to it, but the all the meatballs stumped me. There was an unmanned bar there as well (VFW hall) and though I'm not a drinker, when the ladies started to compare birth stories the vodka started looking mighty tempting.
I was really happy about how many people showed up as they had to drive through a blizzard to get there.. -30 wind chill, whiteout conditions, drifting snow, llamas dropping dead on the side of the road (just checking if you were paying attention).
The midwife says the baby is doing well and the wife agrees. I'll have to take their word for it as I don't have the inside information that they seem to have. From my perspective the baby kicks a lot and makes Mom-2-be yelp in pain once in a while. It's pretty interesting really, to be talking to your wife and all of a sudden she yelps like someone just stepped on her tail.
Oh, and for those of you who aren't women. It's a good idea not to laugh when your wife yelps in pain. You might get away with it ONCE, but after that you are taking your life in your own hands. Trust me on this one.
As for my part, I've got my bag packed for the hospital, and I'm starting to get some of the necessary supplies together as well. The iPod has some birthing music on it, the tennis balls are packed, survival snacks are ready, and I found my swimsuit.
Now I know what you are thinking.. but trust me on this one I actually need these things. I'll explain it all later, but I'm telling you everything here is essential.
Ok I think I've bored you enough for today.
More later,
We live several hours away from the location of the party that everything had to be done by our friends who were setting it up. And boy did they do a nice job!
We had a pool table, foosball, air hockey, food, root beer, friends... and oh yeah, baby stuff.
But really it was food and pool that most interested me.
.... Oh give me a break, yes the baby stuff was important and cool too. Shesh.. I'm not that shallow... but it really is a nice pool table.
Here is a list of all the little people we need to thank.. I've encoded their names to protect their identity.
fefyej, bream, raky, bojan, dancea, nala, nicval, nad, oje, byobb, lelchime, bro, cillechor, sejes, nanaibr, nadrami, and also the 'rents of all the above who helped as well. especially those of you who made food because as we've already established I really enjoyed the food.
Oh, and Todd you suck so I'm not encoding your name. Ok, what the hell, dotd.. I can't help myself, it's just so much fun.
The second party was held a week later by her family. They decorated like crazy and the balloons really entertained me. It was a bit more traditional so alas I was the only guy there. Yep, it was just me in a sea of estrogen.
Ok, it wasn't really that bad. I had a lot of fun and oh yes they had really good food there as well so I was set. They had a pool table, too, but sadly it was under the food. I tried to eat my way to it, but the all the meatballs stumped me. There was an unmanned bar there as well (VFW hall) and though I'm not a drinker, when the ladies started to compare birth stories the vodka started looking mighty tempting.
I was really happy about how many people showed up as they had to drive through a blizzard to get there.. -30 wind chill, whiteout conditions, drifting snow, llamas dropping dead on the side of the road (just checking if you were paying attention).
The midwife says the baby is doing well and the wife agrees. I'll have to take their word for it as I don't have the inside information that they seem to have. From my perspective the baby kicks a lot and makes Mom-2-be yelp in pain once in a while. It's pretty interesting really, to be talking to your wife and all of a sudden she yelps like someone just stepped on her tail.
Oh, and for those of you who aren't women. It's a good idea not to laugh when your wife yelps in pain. You might get away with it ONCE, but after that you are taking your life in your own hands. Trust me on this one.
As for my part, I've got my bag packed for the hospital, and I'm starting to get some of the necessary supplies together as well. The iPod has some birthing music on it, the tennis balls are packed, survival snacks are ready, and I found my swimsuit.
Now I know what you are thinking.. but trust me on this one I actually need these things. I'll explain it all later, but I'm telling you everything here is essential.
Ok I think I've bored you enough for today.
More later,
Thursday, February 01, 2007
the first shower
We had our first baby shower on Saturday, January 27.
It was a couples shower, thrown by great friends of ours. They put so much work into it! The husband friend says that he didn't do anything, so let me rephrase. Our friend did so much work on our shower it was great! Her husband on the other hand.... (just kidding) the work he did taping up some insulation was phenomenal.
We received so many wonderful things. When I returned to work on Monday people asked, "did you get a lot of this.. or that?" I could honestly answer "No." I received so many unique and thoughtful gifts, it was just perfect!
The length was good too. Our friend was the party hostess QUEEN! She made sure that we didn't dawdle between presents, and that everything ran smoothly! It sure did.
I received a few homemade things. One blanket and burp cloths from a cousin, a blanket from a friend. The most shocking one, was from my husband. He made me a quilt. He took our Scottish tartan and quilted it. I just about fell off my chair. He had spent some nights "staying after" at work, and was working on it. Isn't he great!
Oh yeah, my mom made me something too.. *tee hee* just kidding mom.
I have always told super-dad-2-B that I always wanted my baby to have a blankie that Grandma made. Thank you.
All in all it was a great party. I don't think I will ever forget it. We truly are blessed with a great group of friends and family, and I don't think this baby will ever be in want of needing to feel loved.
-the mom (oh wow, that's weird)
It was a couples shower, thrown by great friends of ours. They put so much work into it! The husband friend says that he didn't do anything, so let me rephrase. Our friend did so much work on our shower it was great! Her husband on the other hand.... (just kidding) the work he did taping up some insulation was phenomenal.
We received so many wonderful things. When I returned to work on Monday people asked, "did you get a lot of this.. or that?" I could honestly answer "No." I received so many unique and thoughtful gifts, it was just perfect!
The length was good too. Our friend was the party hostess QUEEN! She made sure that we didn't dawdle between presents, and that everything ran smoothly! It sure did.
I received a few homemade things. One blanket and burp cloths from a cousin, a blanket from a friend. The most shocking one, was from my husband. He made me a quilt. He took our Scottish tartan and quilted it. I just about fell off my chair. He had spent some nights "staying after" at work, and was working on it. Isn't he great!
Oh yeah, my mom made me something too.. *tee hee* just kidding mom.
I have always told super-dad-2-B that I always wanted my baby to have a blankie that Grandma made. Thank you.
All in all it was a great party. I don't think I will ever forget it. We truly are blessed with a great group of friends and family, and I don't think this baby will ever be in want of needing to feel loved.
-the mom (oh wow, that's weird)
Monday, January 22, 2007
a big help
My sister came over this past weekend and WOW was she a HUGE help!
Our task was to get the basement ready to hold more storage from the upstairs closet in the spare 'oom. This closet was an unorganized "chuck it" area, that is now going to hold baby storage/clothes/stuff/etc. You get the idea.
She was awesome I stood there beside her and pointed and she lifted, then we worked on where this tub should go, where that tub should go.. I cannot express how thankful I am she was here.
She has mentioned how sore she is, and that she is going to punish me for it. but, ahhh, she forgets how much we helped with her kid.. so WE'RE EVEN SIS!!!
but, I don't think she'll forgive me for the spiders!
Super dad-2-be got some shelves up in the shed so we could take some more things out there!
The hard part now is the sorting, and reorganizing of boxes so they fit back into the basement!
I also picked up my rocking chair. Very excited. The first thing I did was put the blanket I made for baby on the back. It looks like it belongs. Super dad-2-be reminds me, "You got a sewing maching for christmas so you can make a cushion for it!"
oooohh, that means shopping at JoAnn's!
time for a nap.
Our task was to get the basement ready to hold more storage from the upstairs closet in the spare 'oom. This closet was an unorganized "chuck it" area, that is now going to hold baby storage/clothes/stuff/etc. You get the idea.
She was awesome I stood there beside her and pointed and she lifted, then we worked on where this tub should go, where that tub should go.. I cannot express how thankful I am she was here.
She has mentioned how sore she is, and that she is going to punish me for it. but, ahhh, she forgets how much we helped with her kid.. so WE'RE EVEN SIS!!!
but, I don't think she'll forgive me for the spiders!
Super dad-2-be got some shelves up in the shed so we could take some more things out there!
The hard part now is the sorting, and reorganizing of boxes so they fit back into the basement!
I also picked up my rocking chair. Very excited. The first thing I did was put the blanket I made for baby on the back. It looks like it belongs. Super dad-2-be reminds me, "You got a sewing maching for christmas so you can make a cushion for it!"
oooohh, that means shopping at JoAnn's!
time for a nap.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
33 weeks
Thank you so much to all who saw and appreciated the picture of super-dad-2-b and I in front of our Christmas tree!
Today was another doctor appointment. I lost 4 lbs. I don't know how.. but I did. The doctor says its allright as long as I am still eating a good balanced diet. (does Ben balance Jerry out?)
Total weight gain so far: 12 lbs.
33 weeks: feeling fine. baby likes to camp out in my hip and make my leg go numb, VERY active baby!
cravings: Oranges, orange juice (I can finish off a gallon in 2 days)
still NO NAMES!!!!
Thursday is our last baby class. I am a little sad. Happy to be getting our Thursdays back though.
My mom and sister have been offering to come up and help work on the house. Oh, am I going to have a list or two for them!
We figured out the cause of our "global warming meltdown" the other day. I apparently am needing to "nest" and haven't been able to. But this past weekend we got a lot done, and my 'nest' has a few more feathers in it.
Time for bed.
-the mom-2-b
Today was another doctor appointment. I lost 4 lbs. I don't know how.. but I did. The doctor says its allright as long as I am still eating a good balanced diet. (does Ben balance Jerry out?)
Total weight gain so far: 12 lbs.
33 weeks: feeling fine. baby likes to camp out in my hip and make my leg go numb, VERY active baby!
cravings: Oranges, orange juice (I can finish off a gallon in 2 days)
still NO NAMES!!!!
Thursday is our last baby class. I am a little sad. Happy to be getting our Thursdays back though.
My mom and sister have been offering to come up and help work on the house. Oh, am I going to have a list or two for them!
We figured out the cause of our "global warming meltdown" the other day. I apparently am needing to "nest" and haven't been able to. But this past weekend we got a lot done, and my 'nest' has a few more feathers in it.
Time for bed.
-the mom-2-b
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Tears and Fears
So, if you don't know yet, pregnant women are just a teeny bit emotional, at times.
We had a small meltdown last night ("small" as in, "Uh, where'd that glacier go that was here last year?")
It was a bit difficult to translate through the high pitched, dogs-can-only-hear speak and nose blowing fest, but I was able to ascertain that we have a lot to do and only 2 months to get it done by. Which means, for all of you who have yet to experiences this blissful time of life, "GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR OR I'M GOING TO SHOVE THAT... ". Well you get the idea.
Anyway, I've been helping Mom-2-be to get the rooms cleaned, shelves up, and generally just being there for her when she calls. This, by the way is the best way to succeed in a relationship. Ignore all that Dr. Phil, "You need to be sensitive." crap and just be sure to never to be out of earshot for more than a few minutes.
During this "blissful time" the amount of time she has to wait for you is in inverse proportion to how happy she will be when you do finally show up to help her with something.
We took apart an old futon we had and I'll be using the wood from that for some future projects. Mom-2-be will be out today doing a little shopping (nesting) while I finally get back to work on the cradle, which at my current pace will be done sometime around when the kid goes away to college.
Good news is I'll be headed to HomeDepot today which for me is sort of like a hardware Nirvana. I think spending the afternoon there better explains why women spend so much time in scrap booking stores.
Oh, and the amount of time you get to spend in HomeDepot is also a direct reflection on how much time she had to wait for your help with that last task.
As for baby news, everything is going well.
We've had several classes and only one to go. Last week we met with students from the last class and it was very informative. Two of the couples actually had the same birth team we have so we were able to interrogate them a bit and we did find out the name of one nurse to be on the watch for. Cool beans.
Mom-2-be is doing well. The baby is getting very active and the Braxton hicks contractions are getting more prominent.
The other night we tried something different. We read somewhere that the baby might react to a flashlight placed on the mothers stomach.
WOW, did it ever. I mean this thing was kicking, moving, and pushing. We didn't do it for long as we can't tell if it liked it or not. My luck I'll end up with a child who is afraid of the light.
On a sad note though, I've had to give up my membership to the He-Man Woman Haters Club as I was caught using the phrase, "I just read this article in Mothering Magazine". In my defence though the article was about a legal issue. Ok, yes the issue was about breastfeeding in public, but still it WAS a legal issues.
Anyway, that's my post for the day.
We had a small meltdown last night ("small" as in, "Uh, where'd that glacier go that was here last year?")
It was a bit difficult to translate through the high pitched, dogs-can-only-hear speak and nose blowing fest, but I was able to ascertain that we have a lot to do and only 2 months to get it done by. Which means, for all of you who have yet to experiences this blissful time of life, "GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR OR I'M GOING TO SHOVE THAT... ". Well you get the idea.
Anyway, I've been helping Mom-2-be to get the rooms cleaned, shelves up, and generally just being there for her when she calls. This, by the way is the best way to succeed in a relationship. Ignore all that Dr. Phil, "You need to be sensitive." crap and just be sure to never to be out of earshot for more than a few minutes.
During this "blissful time" the amount of time she has to wait for you is in inverse proportion to how happy she will be when you do finally show up to help her with something.
We took apart an old futon we had and I'll be using the wood from that for some future projects. Mom-2-be will be out today doing a little shopping (nesting) while I finally get back to work on the cradle, which at my current pace will be done sometime around when the kid goes away to college.
Good news is I'll be headed to HomeDepot today which for me is sort of like a hardware Nirvana. I think spending the afternoon there better explains why women spend so much time in scrap booking stores.
Oh, and the amount of time you get to spend in HomeDepot is also a direct reflection on how much time she had to wait for your help with that last task.
As for baby news, everything is going well.
We've had several classes and only one to go. Last week we met with students from the last class and it was very informative. Two of the couples actually had the same birth team we have so we were able to interrogate them a bit and we did find out the name of one nurse to be on the watch for. Cool beans.
Mom-2-be is doing well. The baby is getting very active and the Braxton hicks contractions are getting more prominent.
The other night we tried something different. We read somewhere that the baby might react to a flashlight placed on the mothers stomach.
WOW, did it ever. I mean this thing was kicking, moving, and pushing. We didn't do it for long as we can't tell if it liked it or not. My luck I'll end up with a child who is afraid of the light.
On a sad note though, I've had to give up my membership to the He-Man Woman Haters Club as I was caught using the phrase, "I just read this article in Mothering Magazine". In my defence though the article was about a legal issue. Ok, yes the issue was about breastfeeding in public, but still it WAS a legal issues.
Anyway, that's my post for the day.
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