Saturday, February 10, 2007

Sunny with a chance of showers

So we've just finished up two showers. The first was (as you've read below) put on as a male/female party.
We live several hours away from the location of the party that everything had to be done by our friends who were setting it up. And boy did they do a nice job!
We had a pool table, foosball, air hockey, food, root beer, friends... and oh yeah, baby stuff.
But really it was food and pool that most interested me.

.... Oh give me a break, yes the baby stuff was important and cool too. Shesh.. I'm not that shallow... but it really is a nice pool table.

Here is a list of all the little people we need to thank.. I've encoded their names to protect their identity.
fefyej, bream, raky, bojan, dancea, nala, nicval, nad, oje, byobb, lelchime, bro, cillechor, sejes, nanaibr, nadrami, and also the 'rents of all the above who helped as well. especially those of you who made food because as we've already established I really enjoyed the food.
Oh, and Todd you suck so I'm not encoding your name. Ok, what the hell, dotd.. I can't help myself, it's just so much fun.

The second party was held a week later by her family. They decorated like crazy and the balloons really entertained me. It was a bit more traditional so alas I was the only guy there. Yep, it was just me in a sea of estrogen.

Ok, it wasn't really that bad. I had a lot of fun and oh yes they had really good food there as well so I was set. They had a pool table, too, but sadly it was under the food. I tried to eat my way to it, but the all the meatballs stumped me. There was an unmanned bar there as well (VFW hall) and though I'm not a drinker, when the ladies started to compare birth stories the vodka started looking mighty tempting.
I was really happy about how many people showed up as they had to drive through a blizzard to get there.. -30 wind chill, whiteout conditions, drifting snow, llamas dropping dead on the side of the road (just checking if you were paying attention).

The midwife says the baby is doing well and the wife agrees. I'll have to take their word for it as I don't have the inside information that they seem to have. From my perspective the baby kicks a lot and makes Mom-2-be yelp in pain once in a while. It's pretty interesting really, to be talking to your wife and all of a sudden she yelps like someone just stepped on her tail.
Oh, and for those of you who aren't women. It's a good idea not to laugh when your wife yelps in pain. You might get away with it ONCE, but after that you are taking your life in your own hands. Trust me on this one.

As for my part, I've got my bag packed for the hospital, and I'm starting to get some of the necessary supplies together as well. The iPod has some birthing music on it, the tennis balls are packed, survival snacks are ready, and I found my swimsuit.
Now I know what you are thinking.. but trust me on this one I actually need these things. I'll explain it all later, but I'm telling you everything here is essential.

Ok I think I've bored you enough for today.
More later,


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