Sunday, March 18, 2007

days gone by

It's such a cliche.

Time Flies...

It really has. My mom came up to visit this past weekend and I just couldn't wait to hear her say she can't believe how much Isabella has changed. (she was there at the birth) But, despite all of the things I pointed out that I thought had changed, nope... she couldn't see it.

Maybe it's just me, but I sure can.

Her cry; it was so meek that first week home. Now it always has a purpose. It's not very often either. Gas is usually the culprit.

Her hands; she was always in a "Bella burrito" and her hands would get swaddled along with the rest of her. Now.... they have to be out, and if they aren't she finds a way to make sure they are out.

Her eyes; we didn't see much of her eyes that first week, but now, they are open and ready to learn. I hope we can keep your eyes as busy as possible my Bella....

Best of all... her smile; yes, I have mentioned it before, she smiles. I KNOW it has a purpose.. I KNOW it's not just gas.

There are so many more little things that I could go on for days. But these days are fleeting, and my time with her at this age is short. I must go and enjoy my beautiful baby.

Oh, and we are still welcoming visitors!!! So far.. only 3 takers, and 2 were grandparents so that doesn't count. :)

hmmm... maybe a nap is a good idea too.

-the mom

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