Monday, August 20, 2007

new things

So many new things have been happening.
Isabella rolled over the day she turned 5 months (July 27). We didn't see it though. Then we saw it on August 5th.
August 12 was when her first tooth broke through. Exactly one week later, a second tooth has popped in. They are both on the bottom, incisors.
So, since we have teeth coming in, I started giving her some real foods to test the waters. Her first real food was bananas. Her second real food was carrots, (with a taste of peaches in between).

I gave her the carrots yesterday, and today, they appeared on the the other end, WOW, her butt was almost as orange as her head!
Anyway, I can't believe how much fun she is getting to be. Yes, we had a tough time last night with the teeth, but not a lot of terrible fussing. (so far)

She can get around quite well. She barrel rolls from one side of the house to the other. (its not far, only about 21/2 rolls) She can get up on her knees, but then either pushes herself backwards, or pushes herself over onto her back! :)

Oh, I absolutely do NOT want to go back to work. This is so much fun. I don't want to pay someone to enjoy my daughter when I would give anything to do it for free.

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