Wednesday, September 19, 2007


"No, Isabella"
"No, Isabella"
"No, Is(had to stop typing to tell her "no")abella

This is what our life consists of... telling her "no".

We are working on training her to what she can and can't touch. It is going to be constant, consistent hard work, but it will be worth it. We have seen children who have been trained and others who haven't, it's two different worlds.

Let me back up, why are we constantly telling her "no"? Our daughter is now pulling herself up onto things, and on her knees, she can sit up by herself, and is non-stop go-go-go.
( I just had to put up another barracade) It's a box, and she's pulled herself up on her knees, OH WAIT!!!She just pulled herself to standing. WOW!!! theres a first.
Go to plugs, go to wires, go to sharp corners of the tv stand, go to coffee table, go out of the room.... GO GO GO!!!!
She really likes playing, IF its on the floor, its hers. (speaking of on her floor super-dad just laid down to read to her from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and Isabella just went and got her book, laid down ON super-dads book and is contentedly chewing her book while dad reads to her)
So, I got out her toy box since she can pull herself to her knees she can get into her toy box herself. She really liked it today.

The sounds she is making are so interesting. She is experimenting with her tongue on her lips, so a lot of t, and m and other consonant sounds.
She had only been making vowel sounds before.
We think she is purposefully saying mama, and not just sound repitition he only says it when I walk out of the room, then she crawls toward where I went and whiningly says maamamamamama.....

She is really showing a preference toward mama. I think its because she has been sick these past few days and mama has the comforting food.
She is on penicillin, so we're definitely on the mend.

Well, time for bed. If you know super-dad, bug him, and tell him he needs to blog.

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