Monday, February 25, 2008


yes, my baby is going to be one.

one year old. this exact day in 2007 it was Sunday, I was making sure everything was ready for the week at work.

I haven't written all the great things my sweetheart can do...

she says:
diaper: biaper
yellow: lellow
Bye bye
Becky: baboo

she signs:
thank you
bye bye
bed (night-night)

she knows where her nose is, sometimes where her ear is, and definitely where her mouth is

she is still sleeping through the night

is eating everything we give her

and loves it all!!!

she's my little angel

Monday, February 04, 2008

tipping the scales

So Super dad and I have a bet going that whoever can lost the most weight between now and my birthday (May 4) then wins..

yeah, after yesterdays snacks.. we are both WAY off our goal.

AND if I want to get started thinking about baby #2, I have to get seriously back in better shape.

Isabella is learning by leaps and bounds..
she is mimicking all our sounds and syllables. It's amazing. She was doing.. Salsa
"aah-Aha" and diaper "ai-pa"

Amazing huh?
Baby girl you are so smart.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Out with mom

Well, today Isabella and I went out for a bit. We ran to Wal-Mart, the Party Store, and the laundromat and it went splendid. She slept through the laundry, and the start of Wal-Mart. It just shocks me how good she is.

We got to spend all day together on Friday. I had another snow day. We played and played and played.

I must admit she does cling a bit and that is starting to bug me, I never thought I could find anything she does as bad, but when she climbs up my pant leg.. it just drives me insane.