As we headed out for our appointment we really couldn't think about what to expect. I mean we both had seen ultrasound pictures before, but this one was understandably different. It was OUR ultrasound, and we were about to get a view of OUR future. Would everything be alright? Would we get a view of its arms, legs, hands?
Well now that it's over I can officiously say we did see all of this and more. And also, I think it's safe to say we aren't looking at a potential alien here. Though he/she did have a small body and large head... hmmm.
For those of you who haven't been through an ultrasound I can say for the most part the Dad just sits there and tries to guess what he is looking at. Personally I did pretty well at this game.
The wife, on the other hand, has a bit more important task to perform. She has to hold in about a gallon of pee while the ultrasound tech presses on her bladder. Apparently this isn't as easy as it may sound.
Oh, and that reminds me of the other task the Dad needs to do. You must refrain from making any comments about water or any jokes that will get your wife giggling. They don't like that.
This too isn't as easy as it sounds.
The entire visit was about an hour. The tech said that this was a bit more difficult of a procedure as our baby wouldn't cooperate and kept flipping over just as the tech was about to take a picture. The tech said, "This is a very active baby.". I'm guessing that's a good thing.
Then as we were looking at a cross section of the babies chest the wife spoke up and said, "Was that a hiccup?"
The tech wasn't sure so we looked again and sure enough our baby had the hiccups.
So that's it for now.. and without further ado here is the first image of the little one.

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