The following blog was saved as a draft a few days before the BIG event. I thought it would be nice to still post it.
So as those of you who have been following our blog know time is short.
I mean REALLY short.
Phenomenally short really.
But surprisingly things are actually coming together.
I was able to (with the wife’s help) finish a shelving unit for the bedroom. It holds a college-sized fridge and all the accessories necessary for the daily tasks involving the little one.
I built it with ¾ inch MDF, which I’ve never used before, but I’m a bit of a fan of now.
Then we headed off to the new Menards to buy some paint and the wife picked out a nice light green. So that evening we put it together in the bedroom and while I was building the feet for the unit she started painting.
I like the way it came out. Now if only the cradle would go as smoothly.
Now that I've completed this project I'm starting to feel a bit more prepared for what's to come.
Oh, I know one can't be REALLY prepared, but you do the best you can and move on.
So let's go down the list.
1. Bags are packed.
2. Car seat bought (need to install it).
3. Bed set up.
4. Baby gear, storage done.
5. Baby classes finished.
6. iPod music, set.
7. The Oh-God-I-forgot-something panic. Started.
Good.. I think we have everything.