Tuesday, September 09, 2008

MORE new developments

So... Patrick got a new job. In Ann Arbor. He started there July 28, 2008.

It's a decent job. The same pay, worse hours, but there is opportunity for advancement. That was NOT available at Chippewa Hills.

So.. we looked and looked for houses. Then it seemed that God placed the PERFECT opportunity in our lap. We just wouldn't be able to move in until the end of August.
Fine, I can wait for a good thing. Our lease was up August 15th, so what do we do until then? put all of our stuff in storage, and just live with my mom. (yay, who gets to move BACK in with their mother.... *sigh*)

Which, side note.. we would not have been able to do with the worlds BEST FRIENDS!!! a person could ever have. Jeff, Amber, Jason, Dan, Joe McL, Becky, Mike (which there will be a separate blog about these wonderful people), Everett, Brooke, Anthony, Stacey, Ronda, Joe McC. My mom, Lars, Sarah, Patrick's dad. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!

So, we just moved in with my mom and made do here on August 18th. Well, it is now Sept 9th and we are still here.

Just a few things heard along the way...
"moving is good, it keeps things new"

"you'll love Ann Arbor, you'll meet so many new people"

"you'll LOVE your new place, it will give you a chance to purge your excess"

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