Tuesday, July 08, 2008

new development

Isabella has grown and has learned quite a lot already.. She is very excited to point out all the body parts... I have taught her to point to my eye, and say eye... my ear... and say ear.. my nose... and say nose.. my belly and say "baby".

Yes, it is true.. I am pregnant again!!!!! YAY!!!

We are not positive when this one is due, but we think January sometime.. sorry Teresa, you weren't the only one pregnant at the end of the school year! Ronda's instincts are spot on every time. I just didn't know it yet.

We have an appointment with our midwives on July 17th...I guess we find out then when we are due.

wish us luck!
spread the word,
Erica and Patrick

1 comment:

KaraMalkowski said...

As Yukon Cornelius would say, "Whaaa-hoooooo!" What great news; you've made my day. :-)