Sunday, December 31, 2006

growing days

Today is the last day of 2006.

Tomorrow starts 2007, the year we become parents.

quite humbling really
We are both very excited.

I have begun to realize how different the days become. Last week about December 22, 23, on through Christmas the baby decided to settle in my hip, not a bad thing, until he/she used a nerve for a pillow. He/she would lay on this nerve, make my leg go numb and send shooting pains through my right leg. My left leg felt nothing. ( I think it was jealous)

But then around the 26th or so, no more pain since then.

Yesterday was an exercise day. Kicking, flipping, moving, rolling, punching. It was pretty much like a UFC fight inside me. Baby VS Uterus. Baby won.

Today is a growing day. Not alot of kicking, punching, just moving and trying to come out "Alien" style. (remember the movie "Alien" when the thing came out the stomach)

But I feel so good. A lot more Braxton Hicks. My uterus is going to be the most fit uterus ever. Between the Pride Fights with the baby and the workouts the Braxton Hicks give it......

time to go party - It's New Years Eve!

Can't wait to meet you baby!

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