Sunday, November 25, 2007

baby steps

Thanksgiving was wonderful.
Isabella took her first steps on Thanksgiving Day! It was amazing!

She crawled over to me, stood up, had her hands on my shoulder then turned around and looked at her super dad, then just started walking towards him!

She started reaching for us. When family would be holding her, she was fine, but then we would walk by and she would throw her hands out to us!

So now.. everywhere we go.. we are taking baby steps...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

up up and away

So, she's standing up..

she's cruising..
she's doing so much

just tonight she started throwing some balls around then chasing them, she's never done that before.

I guess you are supposed to be feeding 8 1/2 month old babies finger foods.. I am so nervous about that..

Isabella is sleeping through the night now... well, she was before, but now she sleeps from 8-5:30.. before it was 10 pm to 3 or 4 then eat then back to sleep.

I can't believe how much I love her, I just can't give her enough kisses.

OH yeah, I can't believe I forgot to mention it.. she talks in her sleep.. while she is falling asleep, she just opens her mouth and says; Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh... its so cute

she signs 'more', 'eat', 'mom', 'dad', 'banana'.
she says mama, dada, bye-bye
she waves bye-bye..

I love her...