Thursday, November 27, 2008


I really am thankful for my family.

It is still small, but I really am happy what I have is mine. I see the achievements my daughter reaches and I know I created that. I am so enamoured with her. She teaches me so much.

Today is Thanksgiving and I can't help but feel a calm joy for being me.
(Then I try to stand up and reminded that I'M PREGNANT AND FAT!)

We had a great day at my grandma's. She gave Isabella a flowering cactus plant. Isabella actually pointed and chose between the salmon colored plant and the yellow one. Now it has become an obsession. Where fowler go? translation: where did the flower go? I then tell her in the kitchen. Then she proceeds to tell us. "My fowler, Bella fowler"

It really is a thankful day. But did you know.. you aren't supposed to thank anyone who gives you a plant. Apparently it is bad luck, according to grandma.