Sunday, January 27, 2008

our sponge

Well, many people told us that at 10, 11, 12 months is when the learning explodes.
Isabella is no exception.

Today she turns 11 months.. and she is our little sponge.

She was in her exersaucer, and there are some animals on it. She has started to point and ask what these things are.. so daddy showed her the sign for zebra when she pointed to it.
It was repeated maybe 10 times... About 5 mintues later, she pointed to the zebra again, and daddy showed her the sign, and she signed it.. It was amazing.

Then I had the laptop on the coffee table, and I started to shut it.. she immediately came over and peeked down under it to see what was going on.

And now, any time daddy lays on the floor, (which he does quite often) Isabella thinks this is a great time to attack. She crawls over to him, pulls up his shirt and smacks his belly. It is hilarious!

She has started to repeat things we say. Not well, but I say "outside" and she says "bluh-bluh" Its awesome.

Last night we were playing the give it to momma game. I started teaching her this so if she finds anything on the floor then she will immediately give it to me or Patrick. So, she did. She picked up some papers, handed them to me, then 10 minutes later when we were almost out of papers... she picked up one, looked across the room, held it up and said.. "da" So daddy came over and joined our game of give it to mommy, thank you. It was so much fun.

She has her left eye tooth coming in. As well as both eye teeth on the bottom.
She is dealing with it well!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

dinner menu

so for dinner today Isabella had some of my homemade soup. I put a couple bags of frozen broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots together with some broth I had left from a previous dinner of steamed broccoli.
Then I added a couple of basil/oregano/parsley dehydrated tomatoes we made for just such an occasion. I put it into our magic bullet and it came out perfect!
and for a fruit she had some applesauce I added some blackberry juice to.

Isabella is becoming such a daredevil. She climbs up on this pink car/thing and then tries to stand on the seat.

OH and she is starting this gagging thing.. she is gagging herself with her own fingers.. she does it until she brings something up. She finally stopped tonight after I trained her not to do it.

she signed eat for wanting to eat.... and more.. and she signed daddy today, for the first time with a purpose.

until later-

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Snow Days

I have had 2 snow days in a row... that means 2 free days to play with my wonderful Bella.

Working is something I always expected to do, but now I look at it as something I don't WANT to do. It makes me sad to think I have to pay someone to play with my daughter when I would give anything to be able to do it for free.

Anyway, today was fun. I got to have her to myself... Daddy had to go to work.
We had pancakes for breakfast. Isabella signed pancake, it was so cool. I have been giving her choices. I show her the food, sign it, then let her choose it by touch. After doing this about 20 times, she ate a bite of her applesauce, then looked at me and signed pancake. I was so excited. She totally got the concept of making a choice. Well, maybe not that complex of a thought, but she decided she had enough of her applesauce and wanted her pancake. So, she signed it!

Our friend Amber has suggested a blog for us to mutually post ideas and thoughts about raising our children and its not a bad idea.

We also want to do a blog or join a forum that has baby food idea/recipes.

I have to get to bed because I have to go to a stupid job tomorrow. A job I really don't enjoy much anymore because I spend so much of my day wanting to be home with Isabella.

Good night world

Sunday, January 13, 2008

New Year

Well, it is now 2008

Isabella is learning things quickly now. This morning daddy showed her how to flick her finger over her lips to make a "uh-be-oh-uh-blub-" sound. By this afternoon she did it on her own.

She has been eating many new things. she now eats whole o's (Cheerios)she started this at Christmas. Her friend Luke had some, and apparently wasn't eating them fast enough so Isabella crawled over to his stash and ate them all.